this one was developed for console first, and then brought to PC and it shows. this game gets a ton of hate and no one really ever liked anything about it, which is kind of a shame. I actually kind of enjoy it. its a stupid console shooter and it shows, but atleast its more tactical than something like call of duty (barely though)
Gone is the planning phase, and now you just pick your loadout for you and your team and go in without a cutscene or story to speak of (Theres a small breifing section)
Basically the biggest fault with the gameplay / why no one likes it is the enemy AI. It feels barely programmed. They mostly just stand in place and barely react to you or anything. Sometimes you'll get killed by them, which doesn't mean much since you can f5 quicksave at any point (a first time for the series, so its really easy now)
Why I'm saying I enjoyed it is because it felt painless to play through. The guns feel okay, even if the ironsights are kinda shittily done. Its just a jpg image basically with some blurring. Still, theres a big weapon selection, not that it really matters at the end of the day because they all feel similar (except shotguns, they suck ass) But yeah, its really just kind of fun going through the levels and blasting braindead enemies.
Theres small elements of strategy, you can slowly open doors, order your team to open doors, but really it seems like I was just better off doing it all manually and exploiting the AI.
Maybe its the map / level design that made it tolerable. theres a ton of different locations, A boat, desert type locations, inner city battles, Amersterdam, etc. the locations are varied and entertaining to explore. Also theres only 16 short levels, which take about 10-20 mins each. So the game is short.
Compared to something like Raven Shield (which is hailed as a modern classic, praised as a tacticool legend) i honestly enjoy this game better. Raven shield felt so broken and bullshit as in you spend 15 mins flawlessly executing a mission and the AI suddenly decides to cap the hostage at just the wrong time due to RNG ai behaviour., so you have to start all over. Raven Shield is just a frustrating clunky mess, where this game is dumbed down and stupid, but more fun to play.
Could of been way better, could of been touched up in many areas, but as it stands it was worth a play for me
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