boy oh boy the beginning of this series really is a clusterfuck. I mean god damn this game is a mess. The AI. The physics. The lack of developed mechanics. The driving. Fuck this sucks.
at first its kind of inticing. for a game this fucking old (2006) the graphics are impressive as hell, especially the giant view distances and some amazing vistas. but seriously, a few missions in (maybe 5-10) and you realize why this game sucks ass. the enemies NEVER i mean - NEVER stop respawning. It's so god damn spammy and retarded it makes you pull your hair out in frustration. Some of the missions feel downright impossible and take 20-30 maybe 50 tries over and over, for that ONE chance the AI does something different, yeah, like RNG AI...again...
Like it feels so badly programmed you can easily tell the AI vehicles are scripted something like "Do whatever the player is doing, Hug his car and copy his exact movement, Pretend to be the players ghost, drive into his car and hug it and pretend you are him" its mindbogglingly retarded. You just glide along with 3 cars piled up beside you for easily 2 minutes.
It never stops. Theres so many times you're just like "What the fuck am I even suppose to do?" because its absurd the amount of shit flying at you, its not clear how to progress to the next objective even if it seems so straight forward.
The mechanics. The shooting mechanic is like alpha phase 1. The weapons have no weight, recoil, physics. Anything. You point and click. The gun barely even matters, the inventory system is dog shit and you never really seem to care what weapon you use because you start to realize it doesnt even matter that you kill anyone. They just respawn. immediately.
It feels pointless to even attack the enemies most of the time. Just rush to the next objective and hope you got the right AI pattern to allow you to make it
Fuck. This blows.
What does it do right? well...i dont really know, the graphics and draw distance, thats it? when it isn't incredibly frustrating to playthrough, it feels just tolerable. like it almost is fun. The thing is it has no difficulty. I mean one mission can be an absolute breeze, the next seems like a programmers sandbox of bad ideas and bad design where you fail over and over and can't make sense of the absurd fucking mission design. Really i cant express enough how rediclous some of the missions are.
Mission 19 is an absolute joke, like theres nothing but dozens of helicoptors spamming you with missles, 100's of respawning troops, armored cars, missle jeeps...etc...just following YOU, and you need to make it to the objective and destroy a tank.
If you havn't realized how to use the utterly piss poor grappling mechanic, you're fucked. because its 99.9% impossible.
You need to grapple onto one of the helicoptors, steal it, then try to go for the objective.
Naturally this took about 50 deaths before i had to youtube it to see what the FUCK people were doing to beat this, and of course it's not obvious at all.
It's just a game full of poor design choices, poor programming, and hidden beneath some almost-attractive aesthetic.
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