so this is basically really close to the beginnings of tactical shooters, period. I mean for the most part the game is dead simple. you have laser accurate weapons, that shoot really far distances. so you just get a scoped M4 and slowly walk around zooming in and 1 shotting everyone. That's it. theres 40 missions, atleast 20 of them is just *Walk in village and kill everyone. that's ok, I mean its kind of satisfying but damn it gets old. theres some missions where you rescue hostages, and disarm bombs I think but the game is incredibly samey with no story. Theres 5 campaigns, which are just anywhere from 6-10 maps strung togeather with kind of a similar theme. There's like 6 weapons or soemthing but honestly theres only ONE viable weapon and its the machine gun with the scope. The rest are pointless once you use this.
I'm not sure if its fair to say as I played on an easy difficulty, but yeah the AI is dog shit. They will almost never hit you. And they use no tactics. I mean i still died a few times, so cranking up the difficulty would probably just be really frustrating. But yeah nothing impressive in the AI department..
It's not really a bad game, because it is quite easy to just sit down and play through, and it's not too's a bit boring sometimes, but the general gameplay is competent enough. and I mean we're talking 1998 here. So the view distance and long range combat is really quite amazing for something of that time. And this was one of the first if not the first to do the whole realistic, move slow, long distance combat it's kind of cool for history. The voxel engine works well enough, except everything understandably is really dumb shapes and not quite natural, so getting up hills and such can be quite a pain in the ass. The maps are kind of huge, but you always have checkpoints written down on your map showing you where to go. And each mission really only takes 5-10 minutes or less. So it's a short game. It's not too bad, especially considering its age. But it's certainly not a great game, or maybe even a good one. Average enjoyment to be had.
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