nothing else quite like the arma campaigns, and i feel like people generally disregard them for the multiplayer (which I dont care for) the campaign is setup well and this is maybe the BEST setting of all of the arma campaigns (CHERNARUS) the landscape is amazing, a lot of the missions are pretty cool and fun...the mechanics are so in depth and at times convoluted it can be really frustrating... HONESTLY the only one giant flaw is the AI is fucking braindead.
yeah I know its to be expected almost in arma, but specifically the team mate AI is just fucking useless. they almost NEVER follow you. you have to babysit them the ENTIRE game (20 hour campaign) and it honestly just gets to be a bit too much. the team AI alone is enough to dock major points because its such a pain in the ass to make them do what you want. and yeah towards the end it opens up in this giant sandbox of pretty much *conquer the whole map destroy the terrorist base. and that part is really tedious but kind of cool at the time, but it just drags on way too long. yeah basically the team AI is pants on head retarded, and the later missions drag way too long...a shame
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