god dammit the main problem is the movement speed. thomas walks like hes on a damn ice rink and runs completely out of breath after 2 seconds of moving at a normal pace. basically your SPRINT speed should be your normal move speed, and your SPRINT should be even faster like 25-50%. so with that out of the way, the general atmosphere and setting is awesome. the story is really cool about you being framed for a double murder and you trying to prove your innocence through an investigation. so thats cool. the main mechanic is finding melee weapons in the environment and learning the attack system, which i mostly found underwhelming to be really honest...the few times you find weapons its not worth picking them up because you only have 1 weapon and wasting your precious fireaxe for a 4 shot, shotgun is not worth it.
its really short and worth it for the experience but i did feel slightly overwhelmed and BORED by the tedious movement speed and the combat system. you just walk around, trying to do your investigation with your FBI devices, waiting until some fucker pops out from a corner screaming at you with whatever weapon hes got, so you exchange blows and move on...i felt like i needed more to keep me interested in it. level design at times can be incredibly frustrating, especially with how god damn slow you move..so the PLODDING pace of the whole game doesn't help one bit..oops...
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