so this is the game right after operation flashpoint. the campaign is setup well, again, there are optional AUX missions which I honestly dont know what the point of completing them is. you get an overworld map and you can pick the order of the missions you do, I always just did the primary missions. theres not that many, and this game is shorter than arma 2 and 3. in this game I found the teammate AI ACTUALLY WORKED and they followed you etc... i didn't have much trouble with the AI this time thank god.
the missions feel structured as in you're given usually very basic tasks and have to hold the area or capture an area most of the time. I like the setting too, i forget the name of the island but its basic forest / open greenland kind of combat opposed to desert bullshit. honestly a big problem I have with a lot of arma camapigns is they are just forgettable. every mission has a ton of millitary jargon and you just check your task, quicksave everytime you make progress, and continue on the huge map. each mission blends into eachother. yeah I play all the arma games on easiest difficulty, because the AI is just ridiculous.
honestly this MIGHT be better than arma 2 campaign just because i had less issues with AI, and it was shorter and a breeze to play through. some utterly frustrating moments, but they dont stick out in my memory as bad. oh yeah except the helicoptor missions are FUCKING AWFUL and a huge pain in the ass.
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