so this game is hot off the heels of the cod 4 crisis back in late 2000's or some shit. seriously, this IS cod 4, just worse in every way. we will safely disregard multiplayer, because fuck that. the campaign is 4 hours.
so with that in mind, what do we get?
everything is generic as possible. I already forget the story/all the characters they suck so much. Ignore
graphics are stock standard, I mean it. it some how manages to look and feel worse than Cod4. cod 4 seriously has a better engine.
You can't shoot through objects, enviorments don't really get destroyed.
theres a variety of weapons, but it actually doesnt matter
Seriously every gun kind of feels the same and does the same function. It's just the way its designed. Laser accuracy, no recoil, etc. its pointless . Just use machine gun #1248125
It's a shooting gallery with a really tame and uninteresting story about korea taking over the world or some shit, idk. World war 3 apocalypse, except its a total missed opportunity because NONE of it is stand out. It's melodramatic militaristic bulshit. Fuck man, why did you fall so hard? sounds good on paper, but nah. its just boring.
Look, for what it does its not pathetic. If you want a shooting gallery with kind of mindless AI, whack a mole pop-head out of cover gameplay, its here. For a few bucks its fun for an evening of drinking beer & being stupidly entertained by a cliche war FPS. The mechancis are kind of there, theres a hitbox when you kill the AI and that *TICK!* everytime your shot hits, its mildly entertaing.
It's mildly entertaining.
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