Tuesday 10 December 2019


*Original campaign
im not even sure if its fair to review this as i beat the original 17 level campaign in about 45 minutes. so , it's just 17 levels where you walk around killing everything on screen from a top down perspective. you are required to kill 90% of hostiles on all 17 levels. so you mostly just exploit the AI with weird angles, and use the sawn off shotgun to kill most things 1-2 shots. i only died maybe twice, and the bulk of the damage is almost always just something exploding in your face and you being stuck in a being on fire loop until you die or get pelted with bullets.

the original campaign had the last level be an elementary school and shooting it up to have a mental breakdown and get put away.. in the remake you just walk past a church and see your grave and have the breakdown, i don't know, atleast the game is really dark and anti-social feeling ?
i'll probably return for the 6 level expansion pack soon


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