god damn this could of been legendary, I mean it is in a way since its so fucking old and its from the doom era, but theres so many design choices that are utterly deplorable. why do you have infinite ammo for everything? it makes you just hold the mouse button 99% of the time and boringly look around spraying everything with no strategy. theres really only ONE viable weapon the ENTIRE fucking game and its the machine gun with infinite ammo, i mean how fucking dull can you get... WHY?
but listen, thats the least of the concerns. THE LEVEL DESIGN IS UTTER DOG SHIT. probably the worst i've EVER seen. im not joking, its that bad. fuck off tom hall. theres maybe 5 levels in the entire game thats actually 'decent' the rest are really awful with a ton of annoying trap sections that just arent fun, non of the maps make any geometrical sese, and i dont mean compared to doom either. it just feels like the level designers got drunk and fucked around for 10 mins and said "yeah that works lolz" its so randumb and stupid. dog mode powerup? shrooms powerup? really just a lame unfunny gimmick that gets old fast..
i dont want to explain how bad this game is, the boss fights are fucking pathetic. theres literally one boss that you CANT beat until you stop shooting. you actually just have to stare at him and doge his shit until he randomly decides to leave. nowhere in the stage does it make any indication that you need to do this, and it takes about 10+ minutes of staring at him for you to "win" its just awful. the devs were trolling the whole time or some shit.
it's so sad, it had the potential, the artstyle and humor is charming and weird enough to actually work, but it falls apart mechanically. theres lots of enemy variations, but a lot of them are fucking awful. like ALL of episode 3 is a diaster with robots that insta kill you basically so it turns into a spam quicksave everytime you kill ONE. its just not fun
Game just isn't fun, AWFUL level design, LAME weapons, ANNOYING enemies, TEDIOUS quicksave spam...ugh
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