unfortunately its really buggy
the general physics suck ass
which is REALLY worrying since it tries to be a platforming game.......
theres tons of sections where you have to jump ledge to ledge, platform to platform, make your own ropes etc
and it is just really garbage feeling because the physics either are half broken or just plain suck.
the grabbing onto ledges in particular is half glitched.
the combat system isnt really that great. you basically just hold a direction then mouse button for a Power attack, and you spam that over and over for 90% of the game.
theres 3 difficulties, Medium, Hard, And Hardcore, and i picked medium, and the game was WAY too easy...so maybe thats my fault but..
I never died a single time from combat, i died OVER AND OVER AND OVER to the fucking shitty platforming though! Fun! You end up quick saving, jump, quick save, jump, fall, quickload, jump, ETC, ETC. it SUCKS
Like, it really is a glitchy mess of hot shit. At one point I couldn't beat an entire level because the NPC wouldn't come through the door with me. Really sad.
The story is kind of dog shit. i never gave a fuck, its cringy, cliche, boring, uninteresting. so the few choices at the end i never cared for, just wanted to get it over with.
You level up and find gear, but it doesn't really matter much past a certain point.
The level design is pretty annoying, you never really know where to go, so it ends up being you looking around the map in circles looking for that one (key) or (object) or (switch) that you missed to progress. Really frustrating.
This game coulda been really sweet, people kind of hail it as a modern classic or hidden gem, but its got WAY too many flaws for me to even think about praising it. Probably avoid this one unless you like glitchy, Half life 2 with swords (but way worse) shitty games.
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