so besides the glaring issue that the game is a technical disaster, back then, and especially now, if you ignore the fact that it crashes once a level and you have to run it at a low resolution, there is no saving grace. the weapons are interesting enough, but then you realize only 2 of them really are worth using *assault rifle, plasma weapon, sometimes the shotgun for backup* the level design is pretty dull and boring with many tedious sections, the AI is dog shit who are dead accurate the second you peek a corner. it's so obviously inferior and a rushed cashgrab compared to the first game, which feels like it has love and attention put into it,
where this just feels lazy and forced out the door for the halloween release. i'm not sure it even has any saving grace, its yet another "quicksave until you get it right" with absolutely terrible execution of the oldschool style of FPS, the music is god awful and everytime you quicksave it stops and repeats, graphics are OK for 1998, but the location variety is poor, story is really fucking weak, with laughable voice acting and really awkward cutscenes, gunplay is below standard, boss fights mindless and filler..
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