abandons absolutely everything about far cry 1 which is a shame, in favor for open world african driving simulator. the combat is quite satisfying, just the lack of quest variation and the utter amount of game time panning through driving to the next objective then driving back for a mission (or driving to a bus station) really makes the game a chore to play. thats all i can say, the combat is rewarding, but it usually only lasts for 20-30 seconds (once you arrive at the objective) so its a huge let down, then everything else is chore busywork and its awful.
you always have someone racing up to you from check points while you're just desperately trying to get to the next story mission, slowing you down even more, making you get out of your car to kill them, then spend 10+ seconds repairing your car. every 5 mins minimum. for a 2008 game the graphics and immersion are pretty top notch for me, yeah brown & bloom but it makes sense geographically. the technology side of things is even unmatched by some recent titles, such as the fire physics and wind effects on the trees,
it's a very immersive experience. the weapon jamming is a neat addition, how you can't pickup enemy weapons and expect them to work at 100% capacity, forcing you to get upgrades is kinda cool. theres a lot of little small things that are really nice, they add up, but they cant make up for the overwhelming negatives... you can spend the entire game grinding side quests for loot and different weapons, but it really doesn't matter at all. the ending is a total let down, and just kicks you back to the main menu. it's shitty. theres so much that went right in the game, but ultimately way more went wrong...
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