Diablo 3
this is reaper of souls edition so i don't know if the base campaign is changed too much but whatever, diablo 3 is a total let down. the cartoony childish saturday cartoon graphics are a fucking travesty compared to the diablo legacy. the loot system is completely uninteresting and crap, direct upgrades with items with no real merit. the only items worthwhile in end game is set items. no build diversity. you can unlock every single skill and switch between any at any given time. total casual shit. NOTHING like diablo 2. its almost as bad as torchlight. what the fuck were they thinking? I wish this was good but i'll just have to play diablo 2 over and over and over because this isn't even worth glancing at again. also for the first like 5 hours it was completely brainless easy. you didn't even have to pay attention, could use whatever you wanted, almost impossible to die. diablo 2 is challenging the entire way. for all the small things I can point out that suck, let me say this: They did nothing right.
Reaper of Souls
the reaper of souls campaign is slightly better because its slightly more challenging and you need to focus on gear more. i'm writing this review a few months after beating it and i can honestly say i can't remember anything location wise, environments, or story. its just so forgettable and uninteresting. i don't even know what to say about it, its the same as the base campaign but a bit harder so its more engaging. there's boss fights, but i forget them because they're that unengaging. what a disaster.
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