Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Darksiders: Warmastered Edition

god I hate beat em' up hack n slash spam X button to win games..why did I make myself play through this? it's not even like its short, its like 20 fucking hours long and i slogged through it unhappily. the artstyle is downright fucking hideous. its like WoW artstyle with really overblown macho giant purple dildo swords, muscly men, rediculous religious theme demonzzzz.. what a fucking snooze. game is the epitome of cliche nonsense kiddie bullshit. I mean I really hate this game. like, fuck it's just so bad? you literally do nothing but run around like a jackass spamming X anytime you see an enemy, sometimes to hit B to finish them. the combat is such a fucking snore, oh! but thats ok, you'll be spending AT LEAST 50% of the time solving fucking awful puzzles.

Like, so awful that theres an ENTIRE chapter dedicated to being a god damn portal ripoff. Yes, you get a portal gun and have to jack off with shooting hoops around and it all feels so "been there done that can i get this over with PLEASE?" fuck this game. I can't think of a single good thing to say about it. Like, it's so fucking bad I had to download a trainer to speedrush through an entire chapter cause I just wanted the god damn thing to END already. story is a complete childish joke, it's all centered around some religious horse shit..the cutscenes make me cringe, the characters are hateable, combat is complete shit and really repetivie (Oh wow if they drop enough glowy orbs all over the place it will totally be satisfying!!!) yeah right, fuck off. fuck this game. Lol by the way, this is the REMASTERED DEFINITIVE EDITION! god DAMNIT the original game is even WORSE?


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