another arma game, and they all more or less play the same. this is the expansion for arma 2 that adds 'operation arrowhead' campaign. and as usual, some of the levels can be completely fucking broken. for example, the very first level, i had to play for basically 2 hours because you walk to a certain point that it tells you, then nothing happened. i sat around trying to figure out what to do for 2 hours. i had to restart the level and just play it again because the script was broken or something. just shockingly bad.
now i love the core mechanics of arma, the immersion and weight of the movement, the gun mechanics, the ballistics are all top tier. unfortunately the developers always seem to have a really tough time with mission scripting and just generally making a decent campaign. fighting the enemy armies on foot is pretty intense and satisfying, but I honestly hate ANY vehicle combat, especially helicoptor missions or UAV bullshit. its so janky, clunky, and frustrating that it really knocks the score down. when the game is on foot in between cover and destroyed cities / terrain is when it feels the best.
there are tank only missions, and i hate them. just can't wait for them to be over. i hate the controls, and it just turns into a savescumfest trying to get through it without being 1shot.
theres 7 missions, and like 4 of them are in vehicles. thats the main problem. i much prefer boots on ground combat, and its missing here.
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