Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Rogue Warrior

 this game has really bad rep and controversy over being one of the worst fps ever? i dont know about that. its based off some real warfighter or something? anyway the main character is hilarious. every other line is inessant swearing for almost no reason and he just sounds comical as fuck. "YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT" "SUCK MY BALLS MY HAIRY FUCKIN BALLS RAM EM DOWN YOUR THROAT"
its almost a call to the early build engine fps of 90s. in the badass B movie hero sense. it plays well enough, with decent visuals enough to be immersed. its a standard FPS game (Cod4) but also has elements of third person cover systems (rainbow six vegas2) which actually feel as you'd expect them to. the gameplay is very vanilla with nothing really to complain about, but nothing nice to say. i'm not sure why people say this is so bad because its actually pretty damn enjoyable, since for 1 its so short (4 hours) and 2 its so funny. its almost worth playing alone for the damn voice acting.

theres a handful of guns but you'll mostly be using AK, you can do some takedowns with some really gruesome animations and thats about it. you get a few objectives per level, progress through a linear map with acceptable level design, hear a bunch of rediculous one liners, and beat the level. its enjoyable because theres not really much wrong with it in my eyes, its just mindless zone out shooting, almost so bad its good

i don't know, i'd almost play this shit again for achievements on hardest difficulty, its a painless experience and entertaining like a cheesy 80s flick, i kinda like it...


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