I remember playing this when it came out back on original gamecube and could never get past the first train. This game introduces a crazy new mechanic in the RE franchise of having a partner. you'll be doing a lot of swapping between characters overcoming various obsticles in the enviorments and doing light puzzle solving. It plays exactly like Resident evil remake, so it feels familiar and refined. the environments are really memorable, and all the locations and graphics/art is spot on. Billy is a rather generic bad boy character who is ultimately more forgettable than rebecca.
Like almost all resident evil games, theres a ton of trial & error, retrying parts over & over and loading your save over & over just to refine specific routes and limiting item usage. Once you get off the train you're welcome to a familliar looking mansion for you to explore, in classic RE1 style! so it's more of the same, but to me its clearly not as amazing as resident evil 1 / remake was. The boss fights can be frustrating because the hotboxes can be hard to figure out if you dont know what youre doing
Lots of new enemy types, and its total fucking bullshit at a few parts. Mainly the monkeys. And the part at the church. Once I arrived to the church some shit happened where it was absolutely required that I had to backtrack to the beginning of the mansion (because I made the wrong choice? or missed an item?) So after some fumbling around I realize I have to backtrack ok..no big deal...
So I backtrack with billy, and suddenly theres 2 hit KO monkeys everywhere on the path. Safe to say I quit the game for about a week in frustration. I eventually managed to do a flawless run for the item, after looking up youtube routes & avodiing monkey attacks carefully, but fuck that man.
Overall its a good early resident evil style game, slightly less amazing and well done than the originals, feels a bit cliched and "been there done that" and honestly I'm not sure if i'd even prefer the partner system vs solo... A memorable game, with great locations, just not a classic!
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