Tuesday, 10 December 2019


it's a quirky early 2000's action/adventure (well barely adventure i guess) you're a gun wielding, blade vampire..or something, the first act feels insanely different than the rest of the game. it's in a swampy Louisiana and has you climbing on telephone wires avoiding water and saving people, its eerie and atmospheric..then suddenly in act 2 you're thrown into basically Return To Castle Wolfenstein and fighting nazi's and mutants? where the fuck did that come from?
this game feels like it had some serious issues with developers agreeing on what should go into the game...the mechanics are just OK, not even good really. you basically just spam the attack button and she does whatever she feels like, or you alt attack to fire whatever gun (it barely matters what gun you use, theres only 3 categories light/heavy/special. the writing is inredibly juvanile. she constantly gives opponents and dead enemies the finger...like half a dozen times...the devs really thought it was badass, huh?

... most of the time you'll just run past everything anyways. the boss fights are kind of lame, you just activate your special attack and spam it until they die really. last boss was pretty frustrating but only cause you have to figure out how to exploit him. it was short, but kind of enjoyable. atleast theres no quicksave exploting, and in general the pacing and gameplay is frustration free, save a few parts. it feels fun enough to play through, even if mechanically it is a bit shallow.


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