cover based third person shooter sci fi twist which feels polished with good controls. very cinematic lots of cutscene and story heavy. combat is mostly based around taking cover and popping out to shoot robots. its all a bit uninspired and boring feeling. the combat is a lot of holding down fire and pumping bullets into metal objects (robot enemies). you can buy upgrades and mostly the only thing you'll be doing is spamming firepower upgrades on your weapon and ignoring your squad for most of the game. theres not much to it. you can buy special stat upgrades but i barely cared or noticed a difference. upgrade system feels forced in and unfinished.
out of most enemy types i can think robots are the most dull. theyre just not that satisfying to fight. just a ton of machine gun fire and pew pew gunfights. the game is broken up by plenty of cutscenes and you're suppose to get to know the other members of the squad but they're slightly cookie cutter... its all a bit tongue in cheek and lighthearted and it is a nice break to the monotonous gunfights. you'd think a game so heavy around teammates would have a coop campaign? nope think again, its just solo with a terribly gimmick mic to control squad option, screw that.
you move objective to objective, mostly fighting waves of robots (of varying types?) triggering the next checkpoint, watching a cutscene... its standard third person shooting.
the mechanics feel fine, nothing too memorable. the gun fights can feel weightless and bullet spongy, atleast it gets better with upgrades but still isn't too exciting. you cant swap characters and you'll mostly be using Dan's machine gun 90% of the time. you can only buy 1 other weapon slot that cant be upgraded... its just well enough done where its slightly satisfying, and the cutscenes in between are a needed change of pace. maybe not worth playing twice, its not too long about 8 hours (including cutscene) there are boss fights which can be really tough and frustrating, and theyre kind of cool because of the scope of things (and the decent - to good graphic fidelity) other than those the game is mostly the same from beginning till end
was enjoyable while it lasted
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