the battle between Bohmeia Interactive and Codemasters resulted in this game. codemasters essentially stole the rights to the Op flashpoint brand, and decided to develop a whole tactical FPS by themselves. what resulted is a decent, but very lackluster and consolized version of Arma basically. the campaign is 11 missions on one giant map. you're mostly doing the same stuff, capture this town, secure LZ, escort hostages, etc..but the combat is methodical and determined enough to keep it interesting...
most of the time atleast. some people praise the AI, but I had a lot of issues. they dont heal you on time, they always lag behind you (sometimes for 2km or more..?) and other silly issues. This game can be incredibly frustrating (ESPECIALLY ON MULTIPLAYER since theres no fucking checkpoints!) essentially meaning you can play for 45 minutes and die to a random heatshot, and start all over. I recommend you play it solo because atleast then you get checkpoints.
Difficulty has no change on the actual skill level, just hud elements and taking away checkpoints (lol fuck off). overall the combat is just decent enough to make enduring the whole campaign worthwhile.
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