this series looked really enticing to me, i've had my eye on this game for quite awhile and i finally started to play it. soo.....
Well, i can see what it's trying to do. It's trying to take tactical FPS and make it work easily with a controller / console. It's obvious.
Ok well i'm playing the PC version, and the general thought is unfortunately the controls really suck ass. The game is really clunky and not seamless to play.
The entire game barely feels like an FPS actually. Because its programmed in such a way that simply aiming and shooting at your enemy simply just DOESN'T WORK.
You need to use the 'suppression mechanic' where you order your guys to shoot at X area until the red circle turns gray, then you move the other guys (or you) around to flank and kill
See this is kind of the annoying problem. Instead of making up your own realistic tactic, and aiming your ironsights at a guys CLEAR head for a CLEAR headshot, and just because the games programming is saying "Nope! you're not flanked enough, not the right angle, didnt supress enough, therefore - This bullet misses" it sucks ASS.
The way the guns handle is utterly shit. like it makes me nauseaous playing this game I promise. You use your ironsights, and even while crouching it sways like he chugged a bottle of jack daniels. It's supposed to be realistic, but no, its just fucking annoying. You're like "I should be able to hit this guy! its not that hard! hes 20 feet away!" But no, you can't. You just cant.
Maybe one of the most boring, repetive FPS games i've ever played - and that's saying something. You have to do this boring fuck SUPPRESS, FLANK, every single time. every single enemy. every single gunfight. it just gets old and tedious - FAST. when you KNOW you should be able to hit the fucking guy with your own wits, but no, the game doesn't want you to. you NEED to do what the game wants you to.
Fuck. This. Sucks.
people praise the story and the writing but seriously its as cilched and boring as possible "Muh daddy" this "Muh family" "Muh brothers, they all i got lefts" what the fuck ever. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. snore. you don't give a fuck about any of the characters, except maybe 1 or 2 of them but thats only because their name keeps being shouted every 10 seconds. But whatever, fuck story.
The missions where you have a tank in your squad is just pathetic. There is frequently little machinegun nests tucked away somewhere obscure, and its not such a thing where its like *Bullet gets shot, bullet goes through air, bullet makes contact with player*
It's more like
*Player walked into cone of sight of AI controlled machinegun - Therefore - Instant death*
It sucks so hard, its so badly programmed. No, just because I stepped inside the machinegun nests geometric line of sight should not mean I INSTANTLY DIE AND LOST 20 MINS OF PROGRESS YOU PIECE OF SHIT.
This happened about 20-30 times in a row because I couldn't find where the fucker was. So of course you have to fumble with the god awful squad controls to try to get one squad to SUPPRESS while you fumble to get the tank to go around and blow it up, all the while not stepping into the invisible cone line of sight or you instadie.
Jesus fucking christ.......................................
Not to mention theres NO map variation. I mean NONE. You like french farmhouses? You like green fields? You got em. Not to mention the level design is nothing more than a corridor shooter with some bushes on each side and a skybox instead of a ceiling. Seriously. Invisible walls EVERYWHERE. It looks exactly like a hallway, just disguised as an outside area. With 1 or 2 branching obvious as fuck flanking areas on each and every battle.
Oh yeah, theres no health pickups either. You start the battle, and if you take shots ANYWHERE , its permanent. You could activate a checkpoint 20 mins into a level and be at 5% health and you're fucked......
Or you can just kill yourself 3 times in a row and the game is like "War isnt fair, but its a video game so do u want full health LOLZ XD?"
Seriously you just end up killing yourself for full health
Fuck this game.
There are slight times where it feels remotely enjoyable because you just run in and flank the fuckers yourself
but then you realize that basically any FPS ever is more fun than this
Bad gun mechanics, bad controls, bad squad mechanics, frustratingly bad programming, nonexistant AI, bad graphics.......
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