Alone In The Dark
Alone In The Dark
this is a remake
of the classic franchise, or rather a reimaging, by none other than
some random Racing game developer. and while the presentation at very
first glance may seen enticing, it wont take long until you realize why
this game has such an awful reputation. really what the game consists of
going through various linear scripted environments mostly doing:
Platforming, light puzzle solving, driving, some 'combat, and beating
down doors with a hilariously wonky physics system. Oh and most of the
interactions you'll be having with the enviorment will be through
throwing plastic bottles / alcoholic beverages at random things. That's
it. You need to carry with you handfuls of explosives so you can throw
--> shoot --> explode (enemy,object) FREQUENTLY. the sad part is
not a single one of these things are ever entertaining or enjoyable.
For starters the controls are some of the worst i've ever dealt
with, i'm not sure how to describe it. the game being made by a Racing
dev, it actually does feel like your player character behaves like a car
on ice, with psuedo tank controls and really strange momentum in the
movement. The game can't decide if it wants to be a first person game or
a third person game, so you end up fumbling through both of them
frequently and it get's quickly annoying how cumbersome the whole design
is. You go into first person to shoot a lock, or a scripted device,
then as soon as some trigger happens, it puts you back in third person,
only for you to go back into first person because that's what you
wanted. This happens once every 60 seconds on average maybe? its
headache inducing.
So theres a fair bit of platforming with really, really poor
controls, then sometimes you end up having to drive to an objective, and
the irony here is the driving is also some of the worst of all time.
You'd think this is the ONE thing they could get somewhat right, but no.
Before you can even drive the car 9 times out of 10 you have to fumble
around your joystick looking around the vehicle for keys, items (opening
glove box, etc) or you can hotwire it. Its so terribly messy because
you frequently accidentally click a prompt in the slightly wrong
location so he opens up the mirror instead of going for the hotwire,
while you have 10 angry monsters storming your car just to pull you out.
it's just frustrating and sloppily designed.
Theres just way too many "What were they thinking!" moments. You get
a few handguns, but I'm really not sure the actual purpose of them as
you can only kill enemies by using fire. So shooting at them is really
pointless unless you just want to knock them down? But why not just use
some melee object? well, thats another thing. the actual combat VS
enemies is downright laughable. theres a system where you can pickup
most basic objects, and swing it using the right control stick motion,
but its so wonky and barely fuctioning it just ends up looking like an
autistic child throwing a tantrum. You just pickup a piece of wood, run
up to an enemy, flail around your joystick like a retard until it
eventually connects a few times, knocking them onto the ground. THEN you
have to make sure theres a fire source near by so you can ignite an
item, or push them into the fire to eliminate them.
This usually happens with groups of 10 enemies. Its not hard, challenging, or entertaining. It's just god damn tedious.
Like I said about the presentation, the game is deceptive. From
first glance the graphics are acceptable, considering 2008, the
lighting, textures, sound design, are all fairly standard to actually
good. Theres some nice particle effects like with rain, and some of the
environments actually can be pretty, and actually at times the physics
system can feel natural in some regards - BUT - when it comes to being
the actual player in control, none of this ever feels anything remotely
natural, every action, interaction, reaction, feels 100% entirely
deliberate and forced. It's the controls, the camera, the physics
momentum, nothing is ever enjoyable to do.
Like for example, you'd think an inventory can't be too hard to fuck
up? But the one in this game is famously dog shit. Theres this awful
system where you open up your jacket to display your carried items (kind
of cool concept), but in execution its incredibly clunky having to
CAREFULLY direct your joystick to the POTENTIAL slot of an item, hit A
on the exact right spot, make sure you select it, A again, close
inventory. And it doesn't pause the game. So you often need to make a
molotov cocktail in a tense environment, only to be fumbling with your
crappy inventory/controls and get hit over and over by enemies while
you're just trying to throw a plastic bottle at them. What were they
The story is just barely entertaining to hold the game togeather,
although not quite memorable, theres some weird biblical, satanic,
paranormal shit going on, but really its just a means to an end, you
don't get too invested at all because the characters are all very cooker
cutter and not unique. The whole time I just felt like I was playing an
even worse Alan Wake clone, not good...
Towards the end of the game it tries to go all 'open world' on you
by giving you a chunk of a city to drive around in, only forcing you
from progressing the main story until you do essential a fetch quest of
75 items. You have to go around throwing plastic explosive bottles at
red tree roots, why? I don't know, I never gave a fuck, I was in awe
that the game actually could get this grueling and pain-staking. Just
when you think it's almost over, you're at the final stretch, the game
gives a big FUCK YOU and makes you waste even more hours tediously
driving back and forth, looking for plastic bottles, throwing them at
trees, just to get to the next closing chapter(s). Complete shit tier
game I mean what the fuck. At a certain part though, after so many, you
can go to a DVD styled menu and skip parts, so I obviously did that. You
don't miss anything other than a giant timesink. But it's still only
available after a certain amount is collected...
The games difficulty starts at piss easy, to eventually becoming
gruelingly annoying and frustrating. Not due to lack of skill, but due
to buggy mechanics, awful game design, and really obscure/vague scripted
triggers and enemy placements. Theres one part where it spawns about 50
enemies in a castle that you have to continuously catch on fire over
and over and over and It just had me wanting to reach for the uninstall
There's really nothing redeemable here. The only reason to be
interested in this would be if you were not actually the one playing it,
but watching someone play it, just to watch the cheesy story and laugh
at it, otherwise stay away, and whatever you do - Don't play this
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