clocking over like 250 hours in mostly admittedly technical issues and some multiplayer (some editor as well) it's obviously a great game. I finally got around to playing the terribly long campaign mode and for the most part its really enjoyable. the most frustrating moments are like everyone usually says, the AI is fucking god awful / brain dead. you try ordering them to do shit and it works 25% of the time, or they take FOREVER.
the campaign is basically 3 campaigns released as separate DLC's (free) and now in april 2016, they merged it into one big campaign. the actual campaign took well over 10 hours...maybe even 15-20. A single mission usually took me over an hour with many savescums and's a frustrating game, but satisfying when it pays off.
i used fair usage of 4x speedup for some grueling long walking/running sections, i admittedly did 'endmission' on one or two missions (and youtubed the ending) i just couldn't be assed to suffering for an extra 45+ minutes to nail one obscure/arbitary mechanic (such as the odd UAV handling or odd task you need to do or you fail the entire mission). the story is OK, characters are sort of memorable, it is a very immersive experience I will say that.
overall i probably played close to 20+ hours in single player campaign, it was time well spent, but I don't think I'd revisit it soon.
6/10 (purely single player campaign)
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