fucking christ this game was REALLY unenjoyable. like one of the worst games i've ever played maybe? it basically does absolutely nothing right. yes its a really old game, and basically just a mod of Duke3d, but for fuck sakes nothing is enjoyable or makes sense really. for starters theres really only ONE viable weapon, and it's the machine gun turret thing. everything else is a waste of time. theres no strategy or tactic. you quicksave every time you make an inch of progress, then just sprint around as fast as possible spinning your mouse cursor and holding the fire button until you hear death screams.
THE DIFFICULTY IS F U C K E D. even the easiest difficulty you COMPLETELY RANDOMLY just get blown up by artilery, or step on one of the many almost near invisible landminds, resulting in immediate death / reload of last save. Get use to dying. you will be reloading your last quicksave approximately every 30-45 seconds. theres no autosave, or level select. you just quicksave and try over and over to see how much you can exploit the game until you crawl to the exit of the level.
There is absolutely nothing done right. even for such an old 1998 game the graphics are piss poor. the music is god damn atrocious (theres ONE track that is kind of cool, in a cheesy way) the level design is DOG SHIT. just giant open levels where you hug the wall to be able to find a path...i can go on and on, I just know this was the LEAST enjoyable game i've played for YEARS, and the least enjoyable game on this list...thank fuck i managed to beat it in only 2 hours, admittedly using god-mode cheat one or two levels, cause i couldn't take it anymore.
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