Wednesday 18 December 2019

Dark Souls III: Ashes of Ariandel / The Ringed City DLC

already reviewed dark souls 3 further down the list. this is just focused on DLC playthrough.

Ashes of Ariandel

big open snowy battlefield new enemies like big wolves and viking warriors. fun level design and entertaining new fights and scenario's. there are new items that i genuinely got excited to find, but overall they're not too amazing. the graphics and world design is beautiful. some really difficult sections as usual. there are sections where it seems you can choose multiple paths, lots of branching options, interesting scenery and villages to explore.

the bosses: champion gravetender is kind of shit, its just Sif and some NPC humans to fight. not much to say. its Sif from dark souls 1. Sister fride is a really fun fight, with amazing cinematic and moving dialogue. it's similar to ornstein and smough in that its 2 vs 1. its a really intense fight, and sister firede has amazing ninja mechanics that are fun to learn and master. the has multiple stages and eventually turns into blackflame friede. Really hard, but fair. and satisfying in the end.

a short, well added bonus to dark souls 3.


The Ringed City

this is the final conclusion to the souls saga. this is the last piece of content to be released ever, apparently. breath taking visuals, a big destroyed city floating in the sky almost. it has challenging archer parts which require good timing and patience. interesting architecture, cryptic new npc's and places to discover. the new ringed enemies are challenging and fun, with massive blades and dexterous movesets.

there is even a ornstein fight in the water, its unnamed and tucked away in a corner but its clearly ornstein clone. you get dragonslayer armor for killing him, its a really cool addition. the new armor and equipment is awesome and fun to acquire.

there is an optional boss Darkeater Midir which is one of the hardest souls bosses to date! this guy took me hours to try to beat, god damn difficult but I guess it paid off. the feeling of accomplishment overcoming so difficult. hes slightly bullshit in his 1 hit kills, but it was fun to try to learn.

other bosses, demon in pain demon from below was another tag team fight, slightly generic, medium difficult. decent fight overall. Halflight spear of the church is a pretty worthless fight. its like the online invasion gimmick from demons souls, yet another NPC human fight. feels pointless and easy to cheese.

then is the final area of the souls franchise, a big barren desert with nothing in it but a crawling soul warning you of whats to come, then you find the last boss Slave knight gael. this fight is awesome and one of the best of the series. he does crazy ariel acrobatics, jumps around and has a very unique moveset. hes not too tricky to figure out, but the fun is one of the most fun of the game.

and then the game ends after that, with no cutscene, no end credits. just nothingness. intentionally to leave you with a wondering of purpose and meaning of the game's message. you deliver an item to a child infront of a painting and a little cutscene plays nudging you to question the meaning of it all. a very poignant last message.


Lost Planet 2

i think its worse than 1 in every way. instead of linear A to B level design it seems for the most part its a fucking multiplayer deathmatch arena. like you just stand in an area and fight waves of enemies, or do some bullshit objective like hit a switch. thats almost every single level.

not only that but the gameplay is significantly worse, more generic and casualized, consolized. no more ticking time health, not as much mech usage. really awful boss fights (the train).... i just am not a fan of this sequel at all. everything that was enjoyable about lost planet 1 is missing here. I don't even like the setting. there isn't even any frozen artic atmospheric tundra. its just random world locations, forgettable shit. like deserts, forests, generic crap. Most of the game feels like filler.

Most of the game is the exact same objective over and over. there is like 3 fucking train levels. the gunplay sucks. the graphics aren't even better than 1. Just play one and ignore this, unless you are desperate for a co op third person shooter campaign, that is the only circumstance I can suggest it.


Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory

i just don't know. i guess i hate stealth games. the most interesting part was the character dialoge and storyline, and the campaign really is memorable with some intense moments. but I don't know i really don't like the mechanics. I don't like sitting in a corner and waiting for AI to walk past me or whatever, it's just not fun gameplay to me. I don't like being penalized for wanting to take out my enemy, and having to tediously wait for him to walk to a certain spot to do it.

one of the worst issues is when you finally do all the objectives on a certain level, it doe not tell you where the level exit is. so you could have  an entire map full of enemies and you just simply need to walk to the exist, with no damn idea where it fucking is. I more often than not had to go youtube a level to see where I had to walk to complete the level. Shocking.

the game is polished, and impressive for its time. it must be the genre or something, it just doesn't click with me. i don't like being forced to go slow, i don't like quicksaving before every single guy I see incase I get spotted and ruin 20 minutes of progress. that kind of shit. that's why the score so low.


Lords of the Fallen

clunky souls. yeah the main problem is the controls feel like shit. well thats not the only problem i guess, the level design and general areas of the game are completely generic and forgettable.
for all the people saying this is too easy I found it to be harder than any souls game. boss fights can feel total bullshit simply because of the jank controls. you sometimes feel like you did everything right and the game still fucks you over because you locked into some 3 second long animation.

i'm really not a fan of the item system, or the weird megaman arm thing that I never used. weapons barely have any stats, and the stats almost don't matter as it comes down to how the actual weapon performs in animation. it's just all frustratingly vague and  hard to figure out wtf you should be doing. the game has less emphasis on rolling and evading hits, rather it encourages you to get close and personal and use heavy shields and armor to tank attacks while you get your swings in.

lots of the enemy placements are totally obnoxious and annoying, and having to replay parts again and again because the controls clunked out is truly annoying.

i will say the combat isn't that bad, it is slightly competent in that when you get on a roll it does feel satisfying, and that finding new armor pieces and upgrading your character can be kind of cool. i just wasn't a huge fan of how they handled the core RPG mechanics, especially the forge guy that you use to upgrade (the crystal system or whatever?)  

the bosses overall are kind of generic, and a few of them are really fucking annoying, thats about it. it's pretty short, if you can stay alive for a decent amount of time at least.


Diablo 2 / Lord of Destruction

will always be an absolute legendary classic to me. and it would not of mattered if I first played it this year or back in 2001. the game is perfect in my eyes. i wouldn't change anything. the core 5 acts are completely memorable down to the last detail, every quest and almost every unique item is memorable. the loot system is one of the best ever. the controls are unique and feel good.

the UI is among one of my favorites ever, the characters are interesting with tons of builds to make. after you beat the game once, you go to Nightmare and then Hell difficulty and thats when the real game begins. normal playthrough is simply just a tutorial for whats to come in the later difficulties, ramping up all the interesting unique/set items you find, opening up magic find loot run possibilities, grinding bosses for gear, and progressing to the end of Hell. it just never gets old. for example I've frequently just killed the act 3 boss Mephisto 100's of times over and over, just to see what new loot I can acquire to use on a  new character.

it just has a certain timeless charm that I could replay forever


Lost Planet

probably is the best in the series. i was always a fan of the snowy artic landscape enviorment, its impressive visually and atmospheric. it's a linear campaign third person shooter with light platforming elements. the controls are fair enough, with tinges of arcade feeling especially in the shooting system. your health is essentially a timer ticking down (t-eng) and it simulates freezing.

it has enough unique mechanics to keep you interested the whole way, but ultimately it isn't too in depth or gripping. you fight humans or bugs/robots, neither of which are too interesting. there are some cool boss fights, but can have frustrating moments. the mechs are fun and not too overdone.


Diablo 3 / Reaper of Souls

Diablo 3
this is reaper of souls edition so i don't know if the base campaign is changed too much but whatever, diablo 3 is a total let down. the cartoony childish saturday cartoon graphics are a fucking  travesty compared to the diablo legacy. the loot system is completely uninteresting and crap, direct upgrades with items with no real merit. the only items worthwhile in end game is set items. no build diversity. you can unlock every single skill and switch between any at any given time. total casual shit. NOTHING like diablo 2. its almost as bad as torchlight. what the fuck were they thinking? I wish this was good but i'll just have to play diablo 2 over and over and over because this isn't even worth glancing at again. also for the first like 5 hours it was completely brainless easy. you didn't even have to pay attention, could use whatever you wanted, almost impossible to die. diablo 2 is challenging the entire way. for all the small things I can point out that suck, let me say this: They did nothing right.


Reaper of Souls

the reaper of souls campaign is slightly better because its slightly more challenging and you need to focus on gear more. i'm writing this review a few months after beating it and i can honestly say i can't remember anything location wise, environments, or story. its just so forgettable and uninteresting. i don't even know what to say about it, its the same as the base campaign but a bit harder so its more engaging. there's boss fights, but i forget them because they're that unengaging. what a disaster.


Sleeping Dogs

really cool gta clone with nice graphics (especially rain on streets) and a memorable and interesting story line where you play a undercover cop in a gang (similar to true crime series). it takes place in hong kong and the city is created very well. the game focus's around fighting combat and the fighting system is actually quite good and enjoyable to control. it has a kind of lock on strafe around enemy mechanic when fighting, the controls are fluid. the driving is fine, a bit stiff and mechanical, doesn't feel like the focus. there is some third person shooting which feels average, but its not too emphasized. overall it feels like a well rounded game, with a short but good and unforgettable campaign with some tense and dramatic cutscenes.


Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead

another arma game, and they all more or less play the same. this is the expansion for arma 2 that adds 'operation arrowhead' campaign. and as usual, some of the levels can be completely fucking broken. for example, the very first level, i had to play for basically 2 hours because you walk to a certain point that it tells you, then nothing happened. i sat around trying to figure out what to do for 2 hours. i had to restart the level and just play it again because the script was broken or something. just shockingly bad.

now i love the core mechanics of arma, the immersion and weight of the movement, the gun mechanics, the ballistics are all top tier. unfortunately the developers always seem to have a really tough time with mission scripting and just generally making a decent campaign. fighting the enemy armies on foot is pretty intense and satisfying, but I honestly hate ANY vehicle combat, especially helicoptor missions or UAV bullshit. its so janky, clunky, and frustrating that it really knocks the score down. when the game is on foot in between cover and destroyed cities / terrain is when it feels the best.

there are tank only missions, and i hate them. just can't wait for them to be over. i hate the controls, and it just turns into a savescumfest trying to get through it without being 1shot.

theres 7 missions, and like 4 of them are in vehicles. thats the main problem. i much prefer boots on ground combat, and its missing here.


The Lord of the Rings: The War In The North

its made by the people who did baulder's gate dark alliance so it should be playable and fun right? eh not really. it basically plays like a beat em' up game, with some light rpg mechanics. it's a pretty linear story progression, stage based levels. point A to B. button mash lock on enemy combat in between, with some bosses. to beat bosses you need to get good at dodge and rolling mechanics, and using your abilities. core gameplay doesn't feel that tight or satisfying, the loot is pretty much just always a direct upgrade with barely any stats. like going from +2 to +4 kind of stuff. completely uninteresting loot. 3 playable characters, and i don't like any of them. it was about 12 hours long and the fact that it was co op saved it a little.


The Cursed Crusader

lol at this game. its like a third person beat em up? i don't even know. its so poor. you just mash buttons and lock onto enemies until they die. the story isn't completely forgettable but the writing is poor. its assassins creed combat with none of the fun things about assassins creed. theres very light, bullshit RPG mechanics where you can improve your proficiency with wepaons, but you end up just maxing it all anyway. the core gameplay is just very bare, linear missions point A to b , lock on beat em up spam combat. atleast the graphics are OK, but the level design is poor. there are cringy annoying sections where you turn into a demon or some shit and the character designs in these moments are truly lame (giant horns on head, religious shit) whatever..


Bionic Commando (2009)

unique controls, you zip around like spiderman or something. only game in the series i played. its very short and enjoyable. feels polished with decent third person shooting mechanics, standard military weapons. the best part is the feeling of momentum and inertia when zipping through the lush environments with your bionic arm. similar to just cause 2 or something. just really fun while it lasts. story is kind of forgettable. some of the environments and graphics can be beautiful and immersive.


The Evil Within

and its made by the legendary Resident evil yada yada etc, ok this game seriously has lots of problems for me. I'll say some good things first, I like the art direction and the environments and the many strange and surreal places you experience, the game is really cerebral and physiological and i enjoy those parts, the story is kinda neat almost like Brain in a vat type philosophy, graphics are cinematic and immersive, the game can be tense and horrifying yes, but for me personally the core gameplay loop is just fucking BAD. so for the first quarter of the game its just a generic stealth game where you take cover, study enemy patterns, sneak up and do a 1 hit animation KO, sure whatever, its boring as fuck and gets old fast. The controls are pretty terrible, the game doesn't feel good to play. the way the character moves feels like its locked on some gross axis, i dont know how to explain.

After sneaking you get some guns and yeah expect to have no ammo obviously as the game wants to be survival horror. the only real time you feel like you need guns is when (frequently) there are sections where you SPAM SPACE BUTTON TO OPEN DOOR/WHEEL/LEVER, while there are 50 enemies behind you. you never feel like you have a real satisfying chance to do anything about the situation you're in, constantly just running away or figuring out ways to cheese the enemies into silly positions through their sometimes bad AI. youre suppose to do whatever it takes to conserve ammo (sneak, throw glass bottles to awkwardly fumble around and *Stun kill* them, burn them with matches when they fall down but try to line it up so many of them somehow catch fire all at once?) just feels so awkward and not rewarding...the game is extremely tedious because around almost every corner theres some kind of trap that are real "HAHA, GOTCHA!" moments. only to die 1-3 times from them you understand what to do. I got stuck on almost every checkpoint for 1-5 deaths on Survival difficulty, not due to me thinking "damn I could of handled that better" but me thinking "that was bullshit, now i know for next time"

i never felt like i was worried about anything that happened because death was so frequent and the checkpoint system is very liberal. i only felt "damn when is this part going to be over im so sick of this"

infact i was almost counting down the minutes until the game was over, simply because I kept doing the same thing time and time again and feeling like the general game cycle was bullshit and enjoyable

scripted sequence > cutscene > strange RANDOM otherworldy happening > wave of enemies (Sneak around to conserve ammo!) spotted > awkwardly fumble to try to get 1 hit kill animations > BOSS ENEMY > Door > SPAM SPACE BUTTON!!!!!! >Boss grabs you just before you quicktimed fast enough, 1Hit KO
thats basically the entire game..

and yeah there are a ton of places where you can have 100% health, do flawless, an enemy gets you at just the right animation > 1HIT death
anyway, the shooting is medicore feeling with really awkward crosshairs and controls, the upgrade system is "We guess it needs one! modern console game!" and you end up just spamming Sprint upgrades because its the only way to avoid most situations, the main thing I like about the game is the setting and premise, and twisted surreal horror vibes, the enemy designs can be gruesome and well illistrated, the game is really over the top with its animations and its impressive, the plot is standard with some less than good characters, main character is kind of utterly forgettable and non-chalant

hurts to say its a 5/10, maybe a 6/10 hard to say... the gameplay cycle just couldnt make me stop thinking "cant wait for end credits"



a real arcade button mash feeling. colorful sparkly effects but the game rewards you for running past as many enemies as possible. most of the game you're spamming X button pretty similar to how Shoot em' up games work, just getting attacks out on the screen watching colorful explosions and enemy deaths. but i dont know, not that exhilarating either. you run around a kind of metroidvania map, theres an arrow showing you where to go, waves of enemies that arent worth stopping & fighting, going to the objective, Boss fight, repeat.
by default you have like 10% health, and the only way to increase it is explore the map and find health upgrades. well I didn't realize that and missed out on almost all of them, so for most of the game i was at 15% health getting pissed and feeling gimped, what an annoying mechanic. it punishes you for not mindlessly covering the dull as fuck generic industrial themed maps, finding upgrades, just to not have to repeat checkpoints 40 times. the game is alright, but the mechanics feel really repetitive and mindnumbing. the bosses are a nice mix, but can be incredibly frustrating when you miss health upgrades.

the controls are OK but sometimes really piss me off. you can jump around and go fast and cling onto walls, but in critical moments you want to just fall off, jump onto X position..but the character frequently just grabs a ledge or does an unnecessary animation, controls can feel imprecise leading to frustration

graphics decent, controls decent, gameplay tolerable to annoying, bosses slightly memorable,  maybe the genre just isnt exciting for me right now? the plot is totally forgettable, characters aren't great, gameplay uninteresting mostly Bad and forgettable level design.. overall slightly enjoyable arcade 2D experience..


Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon

co op third person shooter that feels very arcade. my biggest gripe is how spammy everything is and the uninteresting enemy design, its just ants and insects and stuff. yeah they can be huge but you just end up holding down the fire button for 6 hours straight and spamming ammo into them. its the same level over and over with little variation or storyline. its just an arena shooter, but the satisfying arcade shooting makes it a mindlessly enjoyable coop shooter.


Layers of Fear

very short horror walking sim. its entertaining just examining the well designed environment / mansion. lots of creepy things to look at, and very nice and harrowing paintings to discover. the story can be slightly poignant as you play a struggling artist. the ending is impactful, although the game overall rarely has any intense scares it's mostly the well done tension and atmosphere.


Binary Domain

cover based third person shooter sci fi twist which feels polished with good controls. very cinematic lots of cutscene and story heavy. combat is mostly based around taking cover  and popping out to shoot robots. its all a bit uninspired and boring feeling. the combat is a lot of holding down fire and pumping bullets into metal objects (robot enemies). you can buy upgrades and mostly the only thing you'll be doing is spamming firepower upgrades on your weapon and ignoring your squad for most of the game. theres not much to it. you can buy special stat upgrades but i barely cared or noticed a difference. upgrade system feels forced in and unfinished.

out of most enemy types i can think robots are the most dull. theyre just not that satisfying to fight. just a ton of machine gun fire and pew pew gunfights. the game is broken up by plenty of cutscenes and you're suppose to get to know the other members of the squad but they're slightly cookie cutter... its all a bit tongue in cheek and lighthearted and it is a nice break to the monotonous gunfights. you'd think a game so heavy around teammates would have a coop campaign? nope think again, its just solo with a terribly gimmick mic to control squad option, screw that.

you move objective to objective, mostly fighting waves of robots (of varying types?) triggering the next checkpoint, watching a cutscene... its standard third person shooting.

the mechanics feel fine, nothing too memorable. the gun fights can feel weightless and bullet spongy, atleast it gets better with upgrades but still isn't too exciting. you cant swap characters and you'll mostly be using Dan's machine gun 90% of the time. you can only buy 1 other weapon slot that cant be upgraded... its just well enough done where its slightly satisfying, and the  cutscenes in between are a needed change of pace. maybe not worth playing twice, its not too long about 8 hours (including cutscene) there are boss fights which can be really tough and frustrating, and theyre kind of cool because of the scope of things (and the decent - to good graphic fidelity) other than those the game is mostly the same from beginning till end

was enjoyable while it lasted


Prey (2006)

Basically in development on and off for 11 years, came out in 2006, and now has been killed from ever being bought officially (ran out of keys). the gameplay is very similar to doom 3/ quack 4 (same engine). you get abducted to an alien ship with your gf, and the whole story is literally muh jenny. the environments are really trippy and actually disorienting, this is the first game ever(?) to introduce portal mechanics and the Portal series literally ripped it straight out of this. so much of the environment is going though crazy looking area to the next, crouching through 2 dimensional boxes (???), walking upside down on walkpads, hitting switches, going through portals, solving puzzles. this is kind of one of those games where you're often (Where do I go now?) because the environments quite literally are Alien.

for a 2006 game its very visually impressive and design wise environmentally. some of the levels have you outside and can scale planets walking in all directions, you really feel like you're in an alien realm. graphically the lighting feels way ahead of its time, and the shaders still hold up. theres a few parts where its jawdropping the scope and scale of the truly desolate and inhuman place your character is in.  i think the game looks great. the gameplay loop consists of using your strange found weapons, all of an alien variety, which look unique and creepy (with great animations) but i honestly didn't find many of them that enjoyable to use, and theres only like 6 of them. the first machine gun type weapon is most of what you'll be using, and just in general the weapons lack a punch of have much depth to them. after you deal with a wave of enemies, you go to the next empty area staring looking for the next trigger/switch/barrier. its basically fight>puzzle>fight>puzzle, end level, sometimes boss fight. atleast the enemy variation is amazing and all the enemies look pretty creepy and some of the parts feel intense. theres a shoehorned in native american alternate reality mode that is required to progress puzzles and environmental parts, you get a bow and detatch from your main body and wander around going through otherwise impossible gates & shit, just feels like a way for them to vibe off the native American storyline but its boring I don't know. Also vehicle sections. They sucked. I didnt like them. You fly around in openended areas awkwardly floating around trying to find the next switch or some stupid puzzle to progress, its just tedious

the death system is dumb, theres no real penalty for dying, you just go up into the sky and shoot some red birds(health boost?) blue birds (native American bow mode?) its just poorly put together and its almost like dying is a bonus since you can just stack health, and go right back to where you "died" its just a perplexing system, whats the point? it just feels like them trying to do something different just for the sake of it. it gets old fast. since theres no real penalty for dying, any possible threat is gone and the game just feels boring and tedious after awhile. i couldn't play more than 1 level in a sitting without desperately wondering when the next level was happening so I could turn it off.

so the combat is underwhelming in feeling, the environments while really impressive and cool looking, get annoying trying to navigate, the puzzles really just ruin the pace and make you feel like you're wasting your time......its not great, but graphically and as a crazy alternate dimension type thing to look at, its kinda cool..



really entertaining and rewaring mechanics. everything you do is scored  and you can chain kills and certain shots for more score. the gunplay feels very polished and unique, and a lot of unique and fun mechanics. there is a weapon upgrade system, the weapons all feel good and a decent variety. enemy ai is decent, level design can be beautiful but mostly linear.

6/10 (see my latest review of full clip editon, the above is just a memory that didnt hold up on 2nd playthrough) 


for some reason slavic FPS games have an endearing charm to them. this is kind of an example of that. the unconvential and strange combat mechanics, dual wielding with random magic powers and such. its mostly the gunplay and ragdolling enemies that is entertaining. large variety of enemy design's but some dull level design and meh boss fights.



generic third person shooter with a gimmicky gravity mechanic. the overall gameplay is enjoying and satisfying in its core design, with meaty and impactful combat and weapons. its a gears of war clone, with forced gravity sections that actually take away from the experience with the clunky controls. a co op campaign which is the biggest pro.


Dead Island: Definitive Edition

zombie campaign on a beach resort with a forgettable plot, but entertaining co op campaign. you run around salvaging random items as melee weapons, with a light rpg upgrade system. the rpg mechanics are slightly satisfying as its fun to reinforce random tools into powerful items that can slice off limbs. the co op story is entertaining and painless because its short. the gameplay could be more in depth, and eventually you get guns and it turns into a generic FPS.


top down cartoony action game with very light rpg mechanics. the combat system is slightly beat em up with tight controls and satisfying gameplay. the story is memorable with an enjoyable dynamic narrator. the game overall has a comfy vibe and the various methods of combat flow well with well designed environments that fall in place around you.


Mount & Blade: Warband

one of the best games ever in terms of being a literal game with solid mechanics. there is little to distract you from your own path and storyline. you join a factor (or make your own) and conquer an entire continent. its like a grand strategy game with actual gameplay and lots of different situations and mechanics. boots on ground with amazing melee system and horseback combat, but then RTS overworld mechanics, great loot system, and items.


Dead Rising 3

another co op dead rising, this one is completely dumbed down and standardized to the industry. the new engine introduces some nice features but feels a lot worse as a game. main downfall is its basically GTA with zombies and its completely unfun to drive vehicles. the missions and story is completely unmemorable, the biggest saving grace is the co-op, all of the mechanics feel worse than 1-2, the only real improvement is more zombies on screen.


Rogue Warrior

 this game has really bad rep and controversy over being one of the worst fps ever? i dont know about that. its based off some real warfighter or something? anyway the main character is hilarious. every other line is inessant swearing for almost no reason and he just sounds comical as fuck. "YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT" "SUCK MY BALLS MY HAIRY FUCKIN BALLS RAM EM DOWN YOUR THROAT"
its almost a call to the early build engine fps of 90s. in the badass B movie hero sense. it plays well enough, with decent visuals enough to be immersed. its a standard FPS game (Cod4) but also has elements of third person cover systems (rainbow six vegas2) which actually feel as you'd expect them to. the gameplay is very vanilla with nothing really to complain about, but nothing nice to say. i'm not sure why people say this is so bad because its actually pretty damn enjoyable, since for 1 its so short (4 hours) and 2 its so funny. its almost worth playing alone for the damn voice acting.

theres a handful of guns but you'll mostly be using AK, you can do some takedowns with some really gruesome animations and thats about it. you get a few objectives per level, progress through a linear map with acceptable level design, hear a bunch of rediculous one liners, and beat the level. its enjoyable because theres not really much wrong with it in my eyes, its just mindless zone out shooting, almost so bad its good

i don't know, i'd almost play this shit again for achievements on hardest difficulty, its a painless experience and entertaining like a cheesy 80s flick, i kinda like it...



A rather brainless dumb old game from early 2000s, an arcade shooter where youre put in a barren landscape through each mission of the campaign, fighting hordes of enemies. Now the great thing is its just executed well, the effects, particles, the awesome perks system, it all comes togeather to be a really satisfying experience.

The campaign only lasts maybe 2 hours, so its a great game to sit down with a cup of coffee and blast through. Its really simple, you just kill waves of alien enemies from a top down perspective, pickup powerups, and wreak havoc. Its well done, but not much to it!


Resident Evil 0 Remaster

I remember playing this when it came out back on original gamecube and could never get past the first train. This game introduces a crazy new mechanic in the RE franchise of having a partner. you'll be doing a lot of swapping between characters overcoming various obsticles in the enviorments and doing light puzzle solving. It plays exactly like Resident evil remake, so it feels familiar and refined. the environments are really memorable, and all the locations and graphics/art is spot on. Billy is a rather generic bad boy character who is ultimately more forgettable than rebecca.

Like almost all resident evil games, theres a ton of trial & error, retrying parts over & over and loading your save over & over just to refine specific routes and limiting item usage. Once you get off the train you're welcome to a familliar looking mansion for you to explore, in classic RE1 style! so it's more of the same, but to me its clearly not as amazing as resident evil 1 / remake was. The boss fights can be frustrating because the hotboxes can be hard to figure out if you dont know what youre doing

Lots of new enemy types, and its total fucking bullshit at a few parts. Mainly the monkeys. And the part at the church. Once I arrived to the church some shit happened where it was absolutely required that I had to backtrack to the beginning of the mansion (because I made the wrong choice? or missed an item?) So after some fumbling around I realize I have to backtrack big deal...

So I backtrack with billy, and suddenly theres 2 hit KO monkeys everywhere on the path. Safe to say I quit the game for about a week in frustration. I eventually managed to do a flawless run for the item, after looking up youtube routes & avodiing monkey attacks carefully, but fuck that man.

Overall its a good early resident evil style game, slightly less amazing and well done than the originals, feels a bit cliched and "been there done that" and honestly I'm not sure if i'd even prefer the partner system vs solo... A memorable game, with great locations, just not a classic!



so this game is hot off the heels of the cod 4 crisis back in late 2000's or some shit. seriously, this IS cod 4, just worse in every way. we will safely disregard multiplayer, because fuck that. the campaign is 4 hours.
so with that in mind, what do we get?
everything is generic as possible. I already forget the story/all the characters they suck so much. Ignore
graphics are stock standard, I mean it. it some how manages to look and feel worse than Cod4. cod 4 seriously has a better engine.
You can't shoot through objects, enviorments don't really get destroyed.
theres a variety of weapons, but it actually doesnt matter
Seriously every gun kind of feels the same and does the same function. It's just the way its designed. Laser accuracy, no recoil, etc. its pointless . Just use machine gun #1248125

It's a shooting gallery with a really tame and uninteresting story about korea taking over the world or some shit, idk. World war 3 apocalypse, except its a total missed opportunity because NONE of it is stand out. It's melodramatic militaristic bulshit. Fuck man, why did you fall so hard? sounds good on paper, but nah. its just boring.

Look, for what it does its not pathetic. If you want a shooting gallery with kind of mindless AI, whack a mole pop-head out of cover gameplay, its here. For a few bucks its fun for an evening of drinking beer & being stupidly entertained by a cliche war FPS. The mechancis are kind of there, theres a hitbox when you kill the AI and that *TICK!* everytime your shot hits, its mildly entertaing.

It's mildly entertaining.


DOOM (2016)

well Doom doesn't need an introduction, but it certainly has a lot to live up for. originals are obvious classics and highly redeemable, even doom 3 was a great game, so i'm glad to experience that nuDOOM is actually a respectable release
ignore the multiplayer because it has the lasting entertainment of maybe 30 minutes, but the campaign is one of the best of recent times.
yes pretty much the entire game revolves around wounding the enemies so they glow like christmas lights, hitting the Execute key, and gaining some precious health. the level design is total 100% arena style. you walk into an area, waves of enemies spawn, you hop around the arena collecting items, health, ammo, trying to get as many executes as possible to replentish your desperately lowering health supply. it's good, tencious, fun.

theres the classic selectuion of difficulty, and Ultra-violence is what I played on. it certainly wasn't a walk in the partk, people might say this game is too easy but even this is 2 steps down from hardest and I frequently (frustratingly) got my ass kicked many times on certain checkpoints. the careful balence of enemy types, juggling which enemy to attack first, what ammo to use, which weapon when, all in the matter of split seconds. its hard choice making, its 100% total action. this game is almost like driving a car on a busy street, always trying to be concious of your decisions, always knowing your enviorment, being cautious but discplined in your actions etc..

The graphics are good to great, with good lighting and tons of particle and gore FX that truly are satisfying to be a part of. maybe it feels a bit TOO saturated or colorful, it certainly feels more arcade than something like DOOM 3 vanilla. the sound design is there, weapons pack a good punch, the soundtrack is inspired by the original but with more contemporary 'up to date' things such as dubstep/electronic influenced ideas around the original concepts. There's 13 or so levels, with boss fights mixed in between. the campaign is lengthy however, about 10 hours to complete on ultra violence. level design isn't too much varied, but it never really gets old because of the attention to detail in the hellish enviorments. Certain levels and parts will be stuck in your head because of the memorable nature of the enviorment design (and having to do it over and over from dying..)

DOOM is a refreshing challenge with satisfying mechanics and great controls/movement physics. there are jumping sections, but because the controls and movement feel so fluid and well polished, the platforming is never an issue - actually a good break exercise from the chaos of fighting demons. theres really only good things to say about new DOOM, the only complaint for me is basically the execution system feels a bit TOO streamlined for consoles, they could of done something else with the health i don't know, something about having to tap EXECUTE > watch premade animation > EXECUTE every 10 seconds just to regain some health can be a little jarring.

Now it's not to say DOOM doesn't lack all the modern commonalities of recent games. it has your upgrade system, shoehorned perks system, upgrades, all that shit. You put new powerups on your weapons, get more health, etc etc. For this reason I say always start with Ultra-violence, the game is just too easy before any difficulty than that with all these upgrades. I didn't even use any until about half the game was over, though.. Did I mention Doomguy looks a lot like Halo's Master Chief? like a lot? Did I mention that some of the artstyle is kind of awful (except the enemies) and a lot of things just look and FEEL like generic modern halo-inspired shit? Oh well... theres a complaint i guess.

I like it. It's good FPS fun. It doesn't last forever, its a good experience while it lasts, killing demons is fun, what more can you want?


Tuesday 10 December 2019

Alone In The Dark


Alone In The Dark

this is a remake of the classic franchise, or rather a reimaging, by none other than some random Racing game developer. and while the presentation at very first glance may seen enticing, it wont take long until you realize why this game has such an awful reputation. really what the game consists of going through various linear scripted environments mostly doing: Platforming, light puzzle solving, driving, some 'combat, and beating down doors with a hilariously wonky physics system. Oh and most of the interactions you'll be having with the enviorment will be through throwing plastic bottles / alcoholic beverages at random things. That's it. You need to carry with you handfuls of explosives so you can throw --> shoot --> explode (enemy,object) FREQUENTLY. the sad part is not a single one of these things are ever entertaining or enjoyable.

For starters the controls are some of the worst i've ever dealt with, i'm not sure how to describe it. the game being made by a Racing dev, it actually does feel like your player character behaves like a car on ice, with psuedo tank controls and really strange momentum in the movement. The game can't decide if it wants to be a first person game or a third person game, so you end up fumbling through both of them frequently and it get's quickly annoying how cumbersome the whole design is. You go into first person to shoot a lock, or a scripted device, then as soon as some trigger happens, it puts you back in third person, only for you to go back into first person because that's what you wanted. This happens once every 60 seconds on average maybe? its headache inducing.
So theres a fair bit of platforming with really, really poor controls, then sometimes you end up having to drive to an objective, and the irony here is the driving is also some of the worst of all time. You'd think this is the ONE thing they could get somewhat right, but no. Before you can even drive the car 9 times out of 10 you have to fumble around your joystick looking around the vehicle for keys, items (opening glove box, etc) or you can hotwire it. Its so terribly messy because you frequently accidentally click a prompt in the slightly wrong location so he opens up the mirror instead of going for the hotwire, while you have 10 angry monsters storming your car just to pull you out. it's just frustrating and sloppily designed.

Theres just way too many "What were they thinking!" moments. You get a few handguns, but I'm really not sure the actual purpose of them as you can only kill enemies by using fire. So shooting at them is really pointless unless you just want to knock them down? But why not just use some melee object? well, thats another thing. the actual combat VS enemies is downright laughable. theres a system where you can pickup most basic objects, and swing it using the right control stick motion, but its so wonky and barely fuctioning it just ends up looking like an autistic child throwing a tantrum. You just pickup a piece of wood, run up to an enemy, flail around your joystick like a retard until it eventually connects a few times, knocking them onto the ground. THEN you have to make sure theres a fire source near by so you can ignite an item, or push them into the fire to eliminate them.
This usually happens with groups of 10 enemies. Its not hard, challenging, or entertaining. It's just god damn tedious.

Like I said about the presentation, the game is deceptive. From first glance the graphics are acceptable, considering 2008, the lighting, textures, sound design, are all fairly standard to actually good. Theres some nice particle effects like with rain, and some of the environments actually can be pretty, and actually at times the physics system can feel natural in some regards - BUT - when it comes to being the actual player in control, none of this ever feels anything remotely natural, every action, interaction, reaction, feels 100% entirely deliberate and forced. It's the controls, the camera, the physics momentum, nothing is ever enjoyable to do.
Like for example, you'd think an inventory can't be too hard to fuck up? But the one in this game is famously dog shit. Theres this awful system where you open up your jacket to display your carried items (kind of cool concept), but in execution its incredibly clunky having to CAREFULLY direct your joystick to the POTENTIAL slot of an item, hit A on the exact right spot, make sure you select it, A again, close inventory. And it doesn't pause the game. So you often need to make a molotov cocktail in a tense environment, only to be fumbling with your crappy inventory/controls and get hit over and over by enemies while you're just trying to throw a plastic bottle at them. What were they thinking!!!!

The story is just barely entertaining to hold the game togeather, although not quite memorable, theres some weird biblical, satanic, paranormal shit going on, but really its just a means to an end, you don't get too invested at all because the characters are all very cooker cutter and not unique. The whole time I just felt like I was playing an even worse Alan Wake clone, not good...

Towards the end of the game it tries to go all 'open world' on you by giving you a chunk of a city to drive around in, only forcing you from progressing the main story until you do essential a fetch quest of 75 items. You have to go around throwing plastic explosive bottles at red tree roots, why? I don't know, I never gave a fuck, I was in awe that the game actually could get this grueling and pain-staking. Just when you think it's almost over, you're at the final stretch, the game gives a big FUCK YOU and makes you waste even more hours tediously driving back and forth, looking for plastic bottles, throwing them at trees, just to get to the next closing chapter(s). Complete shit tier game I mean what the fuck. At a certain part though, after so many, you can go to a DVD styled menu and skip parts, so I obviously did that. You don't miss anything other than a giant timesink. But it's still only available after a certain amount is collected...

The games difficulty starts at piss easy, to eventually becoming gruelingly annoying and frustrating. Not due to lack of skill, but due to buggy mechanics, awful game design, and really obscure/vague scripted triggers and enemy placements. Theres one part where it spawns about 50 enemies in a castle that you have to continuously catch on fire over and over and over and It just had me wanting to reach for the uninstall button.

There's really nothing redeemable here. The only reason to be interested in this would be if you were not actually the one playing it, but watching someone play it, just to watch the cheesy story and laugh at it, otherwise stay away, and whatever you do - Don't play this crap!!!


Eye: Divine Cybermancy

this is a really odd game made by a obscure french studio based off an aparently in house developed board game, based on the source engine. is that already weird enough? well it gets worse

you awake from a strange dream, in a sudden haze of deja vu, as you head into the first portal, wondering what to make of it all...

eye is basically a really intense half life 2 mod. theres about a hundread things you have to learn when you first start the game. the skills system is incredibly obscure, the research, tech trees, hacking, interface, etc, is all very forign and strange. the game has tutorials but it really doesnt teach much. a lot of this is due to the really rough and loose french translation thats present in the game, which for better or worse is pretty entertianing at times.
so is any of this bad?
well not really, the weirdness of the overall experience, the wacky but sometimes really thought proviking translations really give the charm an incredibly unqiue and charming feel.

so its a first person shooter, with a ton of rpg mechanics shoehorned in. the general combat and controls are fair enough, you have a selection of weapons avalible from the very start (in the locker) and you just pick a load out and try to gun down some crazy looking AI. soon enough you arrive at your hub world, and shit gets real. all the character designs / world design is truly otherworldly and unlike anything you've seen before. just look at pictures of it, its not possible to explain.
you have a mentor and a captian that gives you advice and objectives, fortunately you always know where you need to know due to onscreen hints, which is very welcome. so playing through the levels and getting lost rarely happens.

it's on the source engine so of course the graphics are sort of dated, but the overall atmosphere/design of the enviorment makes up for it. it is a surreal experience to say the least. much of the writing and plot has a very strong philosphical overtone, almost asking "what am i doing here / is it for nothing?" which is very interesting, even if you never quite really know whats going on...

so the general gameplay cycle is pretty basic, talk to mentor/captain, get teleported to mission scenario, follow objectives, kill bad guys ...and then theres one problem.. the Hacking

the hacking is basically one big timesink. its a strategy time based game where you have 5 options to pick from and you have to outsmart the AI. its a numbers game. it can sometimes take 30 minutes straight to hack a required objective. until you realize theres a simple cycle you can repeat for almost every hack in the  game and it works... i dont know, the hacking is just a total failure in my eyes. it does nothing but detract from the overall experience and cause frustration and it unnessesarily haults the progress of the game. so fuck that part.

other than that you can talk about EYE forever i feel. theres so much depth in the mechanics (learning new abilites, buying new weapons, unlocking levels and stats) it feels overwhelming, almost consuming. fortunately you can just sort of ignore all of that RPG stuff and kind of play it like a straight FPS, if you have the skills, you'll do fine.

its fast paced, with decent firearm mechanics and a general fun gameplay cycle. nothing ever looks quite samey, so exploring all the enviorments is always interesting. theres a section thats quite long, incredibly obscure, and flat out strange called Noctis Labyrnth. it kind of sucks, but its also really memorable. the helicoptors / enemy spawns are pretty annoying, and you do a LOT of running back and forth it gets pretty tedious...

theres one section where a 'King' tells you to kill '28 humans' and theres no way to track how many, or any idea where to kill these humans
so you basically go to a camp and literally spawn camp the AI as it spawns........pretty lame, goes to show how buggy and unrefined much of the game is. but still, it adds to the charm factor for me.

definately an unforgettable experience, game has many flaws and faults, bugs and oddities, but overall its certainly unique and fun


Call of Jaurez: The Cartel

absolutely nothing in common with the rest of the series, its a Cod clone and feels like they switched gears to appeal to an even bigger audience. most people really hate this game but im on the fence about it. for one thing the gun mechanics are actually kinda cool, everything is weighty and the impacts feel satisfying. though, there is too much shit all over the screen at any given point because of the way the game tries to be arcade styled. theres these challenges that you can compete against your coop buddy for, theres blood splatter, theres words, the hud is just a mess and the font is huge.

the story is uhh...forgettable. you have a team of 4 unlikable characters, one is a cop or something, i dont know the voice acting is really shitty and made me lose all care. seriously theres a heap of retarded ebonics and racial slang that NEVER stops. like, motherfuckers per minute type stuff. each character says "motherfucker" WAY too much. it gets SICKENING. SHUTUP! the graphics are pretty decent, and its optimized well so thats good. the core gameplay and controls feel fluid and fine, so thats the biggest strength. the level design has you go through different types of enviorments, forests, driving through highway gunfights (fuck the driving though), night clubs, car parks.... It has regenerating health. it really is a generic modern FPS, but its a painless one to play through.

The co op is obviously a highlight, so basically just have fluid FPS mechanics, shooting gallery levels, co-op and you have something atleast playable. theres a ton of different weapons and yeah theyre all fun to experiment with, and you unlock them through doing challenges and leveling up. really im not too sure where all the hate comes from with this game, mainly the storyline, but seriously just zone out and tune off the story and just play a decent cod 4 clone.


Alien Rage: Unlimited

So this is another bargain bin budget shooter from CI games. basically all the game consists of is spawn in a level, walk to next corridor, hide in a corner and wait for enemies to rush to your position, kill them. repeat for 4-5 hours. credits.
the AI seems to always know your exact position and will bumrush you accordingly. so learning how to manipulate that and just waiting for them to run to you works best.
all of the enemy designs are pretty much ripped off from popular video games. gears of war design, halo, i even saw a fucking bioshock Big daddy. I mean wtf?

theres only 3 difficulties, hard, harder, hardest. I played on hard and yes, it did have some frustrating moments, but most of all its just tedious to keep manipulating the AI to progress.
there is story, and the writing is pretty sub-par, with average to bad voice acting, but ultimately i didnt care much. the level design is pretty piss poor. every enviorment looks exactly the same, the same old sci-fi complex over and over. the boss fights are literally the same thing over and over with a different model. its just not great. the shooting mechanics are average to decent, but all the alien weapons look and feel like shit, so theres only like 2 weapons you'll ever use.

all around maybe one of CI's worst games? and thats saying something. even Enemy Front is better..


Typing of the Dead: Overkill

It's house of the dead with a keyboard mod basically.
Not too much to say, its cool how you can coop and compete against a friend for the highest score.
Single player on hardest is quite easy though, really mindless. Type the words as they display on screen.
The cutscenes/writing/story is really unnessesary, actually cringy as hell, unfunny, and not good.
Some of the levels look cool and are kinda badass with good scary enviorments, others are really bad and uncool (carnival)
It's short, can be beaten in 1 or 2 sittings. The bosses really suck except some designs are memorable (cow boss)

Not much to say, its a typing game!


Brother's In Arms: Road To Hill 30

this series looked really enticing to me, i've had my eye on this game for quite awhile and i finally started to play it. soo.....
Well, i can see what it's trying to do. It's trying to take tactical FPS and make it work easily with a controller / console. It's obvious.
Ok well i'm playing the PC version, and the general thought is unfortunately the controls really suck ass. The game is really clunky and not seamless to play.
The entire game barely feels like an FPS actually. Because its programmed in such a way that simply aiming and shooting at your enemy simply just DOESN'T WORK.
You need to use the 'suppression mechanic' where you order your guys to shoot at X area until the red circle turns gray, then you move the other guys (or you) around to flank and kill

See this is kind of the annoying problem. Instead of making up your own realistic tactic, and aiming your ironsights at a guys CLEAR head for a CLEAR headshot, and just because the games programming is saying "Nope! you're not flanked enough, not the right angle, didnt supress enough, therefore - This bullet misses" it sucks ASS.
The way the guns handle is utterly shit. like it makes me nauseaous playing this game I promise. You use your ironsights, and even while crouching it sways like he chugged a bottle of jack daniels. It's supposed to be realistic, but no, its just fucking annoying. You're like "I should be able to hit this guy! its not that hard! hes 20 feet away!" But no, you can't. You just cant.

Maybe one of the most boring, repetive FPS games i've ever played - and that's saying something. You have to do this boring fuck SUPPRESS, FLANK, every single time. every single enemy. every single gunfight. it just gets old and tedious - FAST. when you KNOW you should be able to hit the fucking guy with your own wits, but no, the game doesn't want you to. you NEED to do what the game wants you to.
Fuck. This. Sucks.

people praise the story and the writing but seriously its as cilched and boring as possible "Muh daddy" this "Muh family" "Muh brothers, they all i got lefts" what the fuck ever. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. snore. you don't give a fuck about any of the characters, except maybe 1 or 2 of them but thats only because their name keeps being shouted every 10 seconds. But whatever, fuck story.

The missions where you have a tank in your squad is just pathetic. There is frequently little machinegun nests tucked away somewhere obscure, and its not such a thing where its like *Bullet gets shot, bullet goes through air, bullet makes contact with player*


It's more like

*Player walked into cone of sight of AI controlled machinegun - Therefore - Instant death*


It sucks so hard, its so badly programmed. No, just because I stepped inside the machinegun nests geometric line of sight should not mean I INSTANTLY DIE AND LOST 20 MINS OF PROGRESS YOU PIECE OF SHIT.

This happened about 20-30 times in a row because I couldn't find where the fucker was. So of course you have to fumble with the god awful squad controls to try to get one squad to SUPPRESS while you fumble to get the tank to go around and blow it up, all the while not stepping into the invisible cone line of sight or you instadie.

Jesus fucking christ.......................................

Not to mention theres NO map variation. I mean NONE. You like french farmhouses? You like green fields? You got em. Not to mention the level design is nothing more than a corridor shooter with some bushes on each side and a skybox instead of a ceiling. Seriously. Invisible walls EVERYWHERE. It looks exactly like a hallway, just disguised as an outside area. With 1 or 2 branching obvious as fuck flanking areas on each and every battle.

Oh yeah, theres no health pickups either. You start the battle, and if you take shots ANYWHERE , its permanent. You could activate a checkpoint 20 mins into a level and be at 5% health and you're fucked......

Or you can just kill yourself 3 times in a row and the game is like "War isnt fair, but its a video game so do u want full health LOLZ XD?"

Seriously you just end up killing yourself for full health

Fuck this game.

There are slight times where it feels remotely enjoyable because you just run in and flank the fuckers yourself
but then you realize that basically any FPS ever is more fun than this
Bad gun mechanics, bad controls, bad squad mechanics, frustratingly bad programming, nonexistant AI, bad graphics.......


Just Cause

boy oh boy the beginning of this series really is a clusterfuck. I mean god damn this game is a mess. The AI. The physics. The lack of developed mechanics. The driving. Fuck this sucks.
at first its kind of inticing. for a game this fucking old (2006) the graphics are impressive as hell, especially the giant view distances and some amazing vistas. but seriously, a few missions in (maybe 5-10) and you realize why this game sucks ass. the enemies NEVER i mean - NEVER stop respawning. It's so god damn spammy and retarded it makes you pull your hair out in frustration. Some of the missions feel downright impossible and take 20-30 maybe 50 tries over and over, for that ONE chance the AI does something different, yeah, like RNG AI...again...

Like it feels so badly programmed you can easily tell the AI vehicles are scripted something like "Do whatever the player is doing, Hug his car and copy his exact movement, Pretend to be the players ghost, drive into his car and hug it and pretend you are him" its mindbogglingly retarded. You just glide along with 3 cars piled up beside you for easily 2 minutes.
It never stops. Theres so many times you're just like "What the fuck am I even suppose to do?" because its absurd the amount of shit flying at you, its not clear how to progress to the next objective even if it seems so straight forward.

The mechanics. The shooting mechanic is like alpha phase 1. The weapons have no weight, recoil, physics. Anything. You point and click. The gun barely even matters, the inventory system is dog shit and you never really seem to care what weapon you use because you start to realize it doesnt even matter that you kill anyone. They just respawn. immediately.
It feels pointless to even attack the enemies most of the time. Just rush to the next objective and hope you got the right AI pattern to allow you to make it
Fuck. This blows.

What does it do right? well...i dont really know, the graphics and draw distance, thats it? when it isn't incredibly frustrating to playthrough, it feels just tolerable. like it almost is fun. The thing is it has no difficulty. I mean one mission can be an absolute breeze, the next seems like a programmers sandbox of bad ideas and bad design where you fail over and over and can't make sense of the absurd fucking mission design. Really i cant express enough how rediclous some of the missions are.

Mission 19 is an absolute joke, like theres nothing but dozens of helicoptors spamming you with missles, 100's of respawning troops, armored cars, missle jeeps...etc...just following YOU, and you need to make it to the objective and destroy a tank.

If you havn't realized how to use the utterly piss poor grappling mechanic, you're fucked. because its 99.9% impossible.

You need to grapple onto one of the helicoptors, steal it, then try to go for the objective.

Naturally this took about 50 deaths before i had to youtube it to see what the FUCK people were doing to beat this, and of course it's not obvious at all.

It's just a game full of poor design choices, poor programming, and hidden beneath some almost-attractive aesthetic.


Medal of Honor: Airborne

This is a really short game. I mean damn its short. Its basically just like any other MoH game except significantly worse, atleast compared to Allied Assault which is an absolute classic.
Theres only 6 levels, each one you start off by parachuting and you can fly anywhere you desire. You have a bunch of objectives to complete in any order you want. So you drop down, follow an arrow, complete objective, checkpoint, moveon.

Theres a small progression system where your guns arbitrarily level up, it seemed really underdeveloped and frankly pretty badly done. Kinda pointless. The AI is standard, not too awful, but there seems areas where they never stop respawning until X gets completed and that is always frustrating. The graphics are nice for the time, not great, but theyre okay. Lighting and shadows look fine, textures are average. Weapon models and reload animations are kind of good. It does kind of seem that rifles suck ass compared to automatic weapons, its just much easier to rush the AI and exploit their weaknessess with a machine gun like an Mp40. It has regen health, one bar at a time, kind of like a shield mechanic like Halo 1.
Pretty much every objective in the  game is GO HERE, PLANT EXPLOSIVE, DO IT AGAIN and it gets really annoying and not fun actually.

It really is a generic ww2 FPS. not really a bad thing, theres just nothing too exciting to play through. An easy game to finish, some small frustrating parts but nothing too bad. The shooting mechanics are satisfying enough, but really the game just isn't that exciting overall. 6 short levels and its over and you're left thinking "That's it?


Rainbow Six: Lockdown

this one was developed for console first, and then brought to PC and it shows. this game gets a ton of hate and no one really ever liked anything about it, which is kind of a shame. I actually kind of enjoy it. its a stupid console shooter and it shows, but atleast its more tactical than something like call of duty (barely though)
Gone is the planning phase, and now you just pick your loadout for you and your team and go in without a cutscene or story to speak of (Theres a small breifing section)

Basically the biggest fault with the gameplay / why no one likes it is the enemy AI. It feels barely programmed. They mostly just stand in place and barely react to you or anything. Sometimes you'll get killed by them, which doesn't mean much since you can f5 quicksave at any point (a first time for the series, so its really easy now)
Why I'm saying I enjoyed it is because it felt painless to play through. The guns feel okay, even if the ironsights are kinda shittily done. Its just a jpg image basically with some blurring. Still, theres a big weapon selection, not that it really matters at the end of the day because they all feel similar (except shotguns, they suck ass) But yeah, its really just kind of fun going through the levels and blasting braindead enemies.

Theres small elements of strategy, you can slowly open doors, order your team to open doors, but really it seems like I was just better off doing it all manually and exploiting the AI.
Maybe its the map / level design that made it tolerable. theres a ton of different locations, A boat, desert type locations, inner city battles, Amersterdam, etc. the locations are varied and entertaining to explore. Also theres only 16 short levels, which take about 10-20 mins each. So the game is short.

Compared to something like Raven Shield (which is hailed as a modern classic, praised as a tacticool legend) i honestly enjoy this game better. Raven shield felt so broken and bullshit as in you spend 15 mins flawlessly executing a mission and the AI suddenly decides to cap the hostage at just the wrong time due to RNG ai behaviour., so you have to start all over. Raven Shield is just a frustrating clunky mess, where this game is dumbed down and stupid, but more fun to play.

Could of been way better, could of been touched up in many areas, but as it stands it was worth a play for me


Alan Wake

so this is by the devs of Max Payne, its way more story focused and plot driven. its basically really Twin peaks inspired, and the plot is genuinely pretty interesting. hows the gameplay? well its just OK. the animations and controls are fine, its mostly the gameplay peaks about 1 hour in and thats all you end up doing for the entire game. the flashlight shining until X seconds breaks their shield so you can shoot thing is kind of annoying and generally not fun or challenging. the flying physics objects ramming into you is really bad and not a good gimmick at all. basically the actual gameplay gets old fast...its not a bad game, the graphics and plot alone drive you along. the fact that its in an episodic TV style "LAST TIME ON ALAN WAKE..." is a really cool thing and makes you want to keep coming back

its easy, except when its not, when you die it doesn't really feel like you did anything wrong, just you get tired of the tedious as fuck gameplay and you just kind of want to speedrun past everything. the ending was a huge letdown, left me wondering what the fuck just happened for the entire duration of the game? i like how its a self-narrative how he talks to himself the whole time and comments on things, its comfy and immersive.

not sure how i feel about this game, its not even being SOLD anymore due to some shitty copyright music based crap, which is a real bummer. i think its worth a play, its just not anything to praise in the gameplay department of things...


Dead Rising 2

this is the original rather than fof the record which features frank west and a slightly altered story (both are really similar)
most things i said about the second go for the first
its a great co op game, its stressful and makes you really cooperate to figure out what you need to get done when it needs to get done
never played it solo so  icant comment on that experience
overall its way less memorable or charming or as good as dead rising 1, probably because its no longer developed by the original devs and its a canadian company. the gameplay feels worse, the mall is worse, the missions are worse, characters are worse, writing is worse, plot is worse, etc etc
a fun experience nontheless because it is similar to dead rising 1 gameplay (unlike 3 & especially 4)


Dark Messiah Of Might And Magic

unfortunately its really buggy
the general physics suck ass
which is REALLY worrying since it tries to be a platforming game.......
theres tons of sections where you have to jump ledge to ledge, platform to platform, make your own ropes etc
and it is just really garbage feeling because the physics either are half broken or just plain suck.
the grabbing onto ledges in particular is half glitched.
the combat system isnt really that great. you basically just hold a direction then mouse button for a Power attack, and you spam that over and over for 90% of the game.
theres 3 difficulties, Medium, Hard, And Hardcore, and i picked medium, and the game was WAY too maybe thats my fault but..
I never died a single time from combat, i died OVER AND OVER AND OVER to the fucking shitty platforming though! Fun! You end up quick saving, jump, quick save, jump, fall, quickload, jump, ETC, ETC. it SUCKS

Like, it really is a glitchy mess of hot shit. At one point I couldn't beat an entire level because the NPC wouldn't come through the door with me. Really sad.

The story is kind of dog shit. i never gave a fuck, its cringy, cliche, boring, uninteresting. so the few choices at the end i never cared for, just wanted to get it over with.
You level up and find gear, but it doesn't really matter much past a certain point.
The level design is pretty annoying, you never really know where to go, so it ends up being you looking around the map in circles looking for that one (key) or (object) or (switch) that you missed to progress. Really frustrating.

This game coulda been really sweet, people kind of hail it as a modern classic or hidden gem, but its got WAY too many flaws for me to even think about praising it. Probably avoid this one unless you like glitchy, Half life 2 with swords (but way worse) shitty games.


Bioshock: Infinite

at first you're not really sure what to expect, the whimsical and silly enviorments and olde time british people, the writing and're this shit? idk yet...

then after an hour or two you realize the writing and narrative is trying WAY TOO FUCKING HARD to be 2deep4u and "really makes you think" the nonsensical plot and writing, the multiverse paradoxical universes, all that shit is basically really lame and dull as fuck. not to mention the whole time you have a woman sidekick fapbait character who pretty much only exists so young 20 something beta males can self-insert themselves into the shitty bad universe and feel like they're with their cute waifu the whole time. fuck this game is really lame.

the combat and graphics are OK. thats it. the graphics are WAY TOO OVERSATURATED making the whole game look like a childrens drawing, but there is some decent lighting and shaders here and there. the combat is your standard modern fare, hitboxes, ironsights, crouch behind cover, multiple enemy types, you have powers you can use  but i didnt really give a shit i just wanted to shoot guns. the powers felt underwhelming and not that cool, even while upgraded.

basically its just really annoying how you get 5 minutes of combat, all in between walking up to pointless shit and spamming F to get resources (corpses, loot etc) walking up to environment objects and hitting F then waiting 20-40 seconds each time as some shitty dialogue or animation plays, over and over and over. everything FREQUENTLY gets broken up into dialogue moments, where you just stand there like a prick listening to the "SO DEEP MAKES YOU THINK" writing and it just makes me cringe. the game just trys so hard to be philosophical and preachy it falls flat on its ass and its just a pretentious trite piece of shit. it gets annoying.

its apparently like a 15 hour game, but i beat it in 6 hours. lol? not sure what the fuck everyone else did, but i just wanted to shoot shit...

theres really not much great about this game, its not awful because the general gameplay and combat is sort of fun, but the overall plot/narrative/preachy bad shit that keeps breaking up the gameplay really is quite sickening.

by the way the city in the sky setting is 'infinitely' worse and less enjoyable than the underwater city of bioshock 1 & 2. just saying. WAY LESS ATMOSPHERIC.


Men of Valor

made by the same guys as Medal of honor: Allied assault (legendary game)
this one is set in vietnam and has all the things you could imagine you would see in a vietnam game.
the graphics for 2004 are decent for the time, not as good as something like Far Cry or Half Life of the same year, but not bad.
but really you play these games for the raw FPS combat mechanics, so how are they?
well its incredibly tough thats for sure. if you dont constantly duck behind cover, which is usually a flimsy tree or tiny boulder, your health will frantically drop to zero before you can think
its almost like the game is designed badly, or just plain glitched, because sometimes you barely take any damage at all from shots, and others you go from 100% to 0% in the blink of an eye. FREQUENTLY.

now thats not so bad is it? just get gud? well no, you see when you die, it takes you back to the last save. there is no auto saves or quick saves. just very infrequent checkpoints. so you die TONS and have to replay the same section TONS. this is the biggest fault of the game. theres nothing challenging or fun about accomplishing an entire firefight segment FLAWLESSLY, running around the field, taking a corner, and IMMEDIATELY going from 100% hp to 0% from an enemy hidden in a tree, then having to do the whole section again.

for all I bitch about quicksaves this game really makes me wish I had some just to prevent myself the pain from redoing that shit.
so how is the gunplay though? well basically you can hipfire which obviously sucks, and the 'Precision aim' system where you hold ironsights and have fluid leaning left and right, which feels pretty nice and is essential to get in those sweet spots for cover. you cannot move once in aim mode.

you'll do a lot of finding a tiny object to crouch behind, nervously scanning the entire environment for many seconds, firing, then moving to next cover. if you do not play methodically and monotonously you are risking losing dozens of minutes of progress. dozens. even if you take every precation, you still run that risk and it happens FREQUENTLY to something you barely noticed or saw coming.

all in all its a decent FPS game of the time, the vietnam theme is ok, the story is nothing to talk about, neither the writing, but the core fps mechanics are there and feels satisfying, just not when you have to do the same section you've done flawlessly 6 times in a row before you can progress..


Dead Rising

the beginning of a rocky series, nothing else ever matched the charm or integrity of the first one. this game is perhaps a modern classic, it does so many things right that the sequels could just never grasp.
the writing and general plot is spot on, not crazy enough to where it feels silly, and 'realistic' enough to where you get drawn in. all the characters are memorable (unlike the sequels) and the personalities are great.
the visceral feeling of being on a strict time limit really sets home the survival horror feel. on a first play through you absolutely will NOT save everyone. you have to manage your time and routs wisely and it adds a really deep strategical element.
you need to figure out what items to bring with you, how much food, and think about this the entire time.

the experience system/photography system is great and insanely rewarding. the game starts off REALLY hard but as you save survivors and level up, you get many many bonus's. one of the main ones is Speed in which Frank just moves significantly faster and is essential.

the general graphics and aesthetic of the game is great. the HUD is stylized so you feel like you're a photographer reporting live, the whole game is very immersive with great sound FX and cheesy happy mall music blasting out of the speakers.

The mall its self is unforgettable, every nook and cranny will be ingrained into your head. need a new katana? i know exactly where to look. orange juice? yup. how about that psychopath's chainsaw, and the secret leading to it? you bet I know where it is.  that's another thing. the bosses (psychopaths) are also unforgettable. thats kind of the main word with this game, its an unforgettable experience that stays with you. just about every element of the game feels crafted with love and passion that its hard to not love it. the psycho's all have really distinct personalities, fighting styles, environments, and really awesome introduction/death cutscenes. most games when a cutscene plays, i kind of cant wait for it to be over. but in Dead Rising they're always a treat. theres so much charm packed into this game that its just amazing.

there always feels like so much to do, so much to explore, even if its just one mall which is incredible. throughout all of this, the game manages to have both a humorous undertone, and a very dreadful one. you can relate with frank, you can feel how he thinks, as hes just an average guy photographer that found his new scoop inside of an undead mall. i wont name spoilers, but many key elements in the plot you can really feel yourself in his shoes, and it even has a few tear jerk moments. the combat system is really fun, naturally being able to use anything you see fit as a weapon, but eventually you realize you can stack books for amazing effects like durability so you keep going back to the same 1 or 2 items for the whole game, and its fun to pick and choose your favorite item to go slaying with.

the amount of zombies on screen is still to this day awesome, and yeah maybe theres more in the sequels but they just nailed it first try really. willamette park mall really feels like a TIMELESS location, the game has so much replayability that you can just go back and back and back. there are a few minor annoyances, mainly the survivor AI when they follow you and try to get into the safe house they frequently get stuck on a little ledge and when you're on a tight time constriction its REALLY annoying and frustrating. other than that theres really not much bad I can say about it. infinite mode is a really cool addition where it mixes up the gameplay and your health constantly ticks down so you gotta find food, psycos are scattered all throughout the mall in different locations, including friendly faces that now want to kill you, so much content! amazing game!



basically only existed to push pc graphics to the next level
too bad they really fucked up gameplay design

helicopters that always know your position and force you to reload dozens of times until you find an rpg
bullet sponge enemies with suits
generally really retarded AI
the whole alien spinoff plot was awful and brutally uninteresting, made me miss killing koreans
pacing sucks ass, you basically never have to fight anyone or do anything but run to the objective UNLESS: theres a helicoptor after you
really shit vehicle sections

seriously the only good thing about this is the graphics and the combat is just barely passable every other design decision is god awful generally.


Wolfenstein: The New Order

boss fights suck
i beat it on hurt me plenty
didnt unlock achivement for it


Doom 3 ressurection of evil

good game better than doom 3 original mayebe uh im getting tired of this list oops!
