horrible floaty glitchy controls, shooting feels barely programmed half the sound effects dont even play properly so you dont even know if youre shooting, shit ai, only thing you ever die from is
instant game over by tank missle.
really bad inventory / interface have to stand still scroll through weapons really frustrating clunky mess
first level is ironically almost the hardest because you dont have your 4 squad yet and you game over if you die with just one man on the first level, so i came really close to dropping it on the first level.
on the second level you get your 4 squad then you essentially have 4 deaths and tons of revives so its more forgiving
every mission the only threat are all the tanks and the only challenge is running around the map looking for a missle launcher to destroy the tank so you dont get 1 shot, thats the entire game.
enemy soldiers barely pose a threat cus the ai is so shit the only threat are the 1 shot tank missles
really boring levels everything looks the same barren open desert with some tanks and same looking soldiers every map
doesn't feel tactical or like a shooter at all its all very amateurly programmed and badly put together feels more like some shitty college assignment or something
CAN ONLY SAVE TWICE PER LEVEL ..............................
really god awful mission towards the end where you have to escort 3 hostages and they die instantly if an enemy so much as glances at them
... and since you can only save twice per level, you end up doing the same section for up to hours at a time at the mercy of the ai and if the hostages happen to take the right path this time..
dont like much about it at all it could of been decent tactical shooter but literally everything is fucked up about it and nothing memorable or good to say.
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