I always like playing cod campaigns because theyre so formulation and thoughtless and the WW2 setting is probably my favorite because of the atmosphere. theres pretty much absolutely nothing new here thats different than cod world at war, just some modern polished graphics and animations. The story 'band of brothers' although typical and generic, I enjoyed watching it unfold mostly because of the high production value.
A lot of the over the top michael bay stuff was just laughable though and out of place in a serious gritty war game. Some of the missions are memorable, others feel like filler such as the stealth missions as the french woman and the tank/flying sections. the snow levels are comfy and familliar, and realy most of the campaign is decent with a few annoying filler sections.
the guns feel good and punchy, good animations, and fun weapons. shooting enemies is satisfying, and thats really all you need coupled with some decent atmospheric levels.
I mostly just come for the atmospheric campaign, mindless linear missions, writing, and quick in and out missions. Its the same cod as always, except now you dont have regeneratiing health and have to find med kits or ask your squad members for health. its not a bad change, it makes the gameplay feel more slow paced and tactical.
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