first 4 hours are frustrating and really unfun no ammo no items trial and error running away or quicksave quickload enemies
none of the mechanics were that obvious i ran past the recycler thing essential to get ammo for the first quarter of game, not understanding what any of it was because it just looked like another piece of the enviorment
didn't enjoy any of the weapons to be honest combat was bad and unenjoyable only used one weapon the whole game bascically (shotgun) i really disliked all other weapons they felt like gimmicky tools more than anything especially the blob shooting gun
story is mildly interesting but feels very contrived and convoluted the further you get slightly pretentious
really annoying and frustrating enemies. i didnt really like fighting any of the enemies in the game. all of them are just obnoxious and either teleport around constantly or electroshock you from 25 meters away. the enemies are just not fun to engage.
the setting is kind of interesting, environment is memorable and easy to get familiar with, graphics are nice and the game can be immersive.
did most of the side quests, didnt feel worth it. didnt get anything really, didnt feel rewarding. kind of waste of time.
again it comes down to the enemies and the weapons, i didnt enjoy fighting any of the enemies, and i didnt enjoy any of the weapons. theres really only two guns, pistol and shotgun, everything else is specific times or tools really..
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