already reviewed scholar further down in the list, this is a replay with DLC focus.
Crown of the Sunken King
this one might be my least fav as i was not a fan of the setting at all. the air platform based almost egyptian looking arenas were honestly kind of annoying to navigate and was not very impressive over all. shulva sanctum city is sort of impressive visually, but navigating it felt like a pain. as for the new items or weapons, well honestly i forget so probably wasn't that important. there is some annoying enemy placement that can knock you off the map, shit like that is just annoying. the bosses seemed pretty mindless, only a few attempts. except maybe the slumbering dragon, that was a exciting and challenging fight. the other boss fight is a 3 way battle between 3 humans and its actually really fun, i did it coop might be a lot harder solo.
Old Iron King
this one is basically inside a big fortress, with a ton of annoying fucking elevators. elevator simulator. it has some nice areas such as the snow area which is visually appealing and fun to navigate. some interesting new enemies. definitely has challenging sections. it really is just a lot of running around in a big fortress pulling switches and levels, its just ok. the bosses: smelter demon is a generic reskin, sir allone was a really fun fight, something like ornstein 1v1. fume knight was very difficult and took dozens of attempts. rewarding but fucking frustrating. very hard movesets.
The Ivory King
this one is my favorite visually, a big open frozen palace and courtyard. lots of frozen spiked enemies, snowy vast lands, medieval architecture and interesting level design. theres a boss on a bridge that is pretty difficult until you do something specific, forget what but that had me stuck for awhile. in this one you go around rescuing various knights sitting in chairs to aid you in the final boss battle (where you fall into a hole and drop into a fire arena) that entire part is very memorable and awesome with a tense team vs team arena battle until the boss fight. there is another optional boss in a giant snowy barren area with horses that chase you , pointless to attack them. eventually you get to a boss arena with 2 tigers, really challenging / difficult / frustrating fight. the tigers have a tight moveset though and it was fun to learn and eventually overcome. this dlc is definitely the best and most memorable.
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