Monday 20 January 2020

World War II GI

 -really bad hitboxes, like, the worst i've ever seen in any game, ever.
-you have to stand still to heal, takes forever would rather just die and reload
-must quicksave after every single enemy
-"gotcha" enemy placements where the most effective method to find enemies is to die , see where they shot, reload, kill
- average to mediocre level design
- random deaths from artillery
- pinpoint accurate ai
- doesn't feel fair
- beat it in 2 hours, both episodes have awkward endings
-many parts you have to rely on just blind luck to rush past a part and hope the ai doesn't 100% accurate oneshot you
- feels unfinished

5/10 still better than NAM maybe because the weapons felt more accurate (mp40 and BAR)

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