Wednesday 6 January 2021

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus


 Buy Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Steam

Can't believe this game was so fucking horrible. It has nothing to do with any of the games previous to it. I went into it thinking it would be a fun stupid run and gun shooter but all I got was an extremely obnoxious preacher yelling in my face trying to educate me on 'morality' or some shit.

I want t just forget I ever finished this game and be done with this asap so I wont even write that long of a review

75% of the game is really horrible corny as fuck 'moral of the story' forced agenda political jargon shoved in your face and its just really cheesy and not entertaining at all. It has nothing to do with if I agree with the narrative or not. The way its portrayed is so fking cliche corny stupid and embarrassing that it actually just makes me cringe. None of the characters are unique or interesting, theyre all generic racial stereotypes and constant forced interracial sex scenes and morality scenes just for the sake of furthering an agenda.. Everything is so blatantly politicized that its painful to even get through the cutscenes.

- 25% of the game is wandering around really bad, bland, boring uninspired levels

-with atrocious level design . none of the levels make sense as real locations, all sorts of unnatural stupid twists and turns in a linear fasion but even then its hard to follow. You'll have your hand stuck to the 'objective marker' key the whole game trying to figure out where the fk it wants you to go because none of the levels are designed in a coherent fashion. None of them are memorable at all either, everything is some high tech boring robotics facility or science lab. Theres a few brief level changes but i cant even fking rmeember them.

- Walk around killing generic bad guys either robots , big robots, or normal squishy humans. Enemies are boring and uninspired, AI sucks, you can just sprint past half of them if you actually figure out where to go.

- None of the guns are interesting, they all look the same, they all look like shit, they all play bland and boring. Theres no point to aim down the sights because it makes it harder to tell if you kill anyone because the lack of impact sucks that much because aiming normally atleast gives you a red crosshair.

What else can I say? the whole game is cutscene after cutscene, then a brief section of walking around levels designed like shit, triggering the next cutscene, or the next section where you sit there as a floating head looking around while shit dialogue happens. It's not even a fun run and gun shooter because you can't even do that. all the shooting is slow and methodical cover based boring shit. If you run around and try to have fun you die so fast that it doesn't work out.
Half of the game you have 50 health instead of 100, for some dumbass plot reason but its just not fun. The first level youre stuck in a wheelchair and isn't fun to control and it gives a bad impression that just never goes away. This game fucking blows.


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