Wednesday 6 January 2021




Nioh - Wikipedia

Finally completed Nioh base missions after 40 hours. Played 3/4 of the campaign in co op, which was a lot of fun but also a lot of struggle, and the last 5 or so missions I finished solo.

It is overall a pretty good souls inspired game, but its also heavily inspired by diablo and loot games as well. There is a heavy emphesis on loot and character building, stats, and all sorts of numbers so much so that its pretty overwhelming at times with the amount of things you can do.

You got skill trees which im not a fan of in this game, theres like 6 different skill trees and i dont like how its laid out and its hard to comprehend or understand.. then you got, move combinations you can set like mortal kombat, stat allocations, prestige points, gear to equip/upgrade/weight to juggle which impacts your stamina etc etc. which weapon do you want to specialize in and such.

Unfortunately all of the items have very unmemorable japanese ethic style names so its aalmost impossible for me to tell them apart or remember them because their names are so unfamilliar and forign. What makes things worse , is that you can only really specialize into one weapon group, but looking at all of your items in the inventory its hard to even tell which group a weapon belongs to at first glanc! so yes a lot of the item system can be convuluted and overly difficult.

All of the gear has a base number but then theres a bunch of special stats underneat, that I don't really fully know what any of them did, so i mostly just looked at the base number. i dont really understand it to be honest.

While it is fun getting tons of new loot and upgrading and trying out different items/armor, it basically boils down to picking what stamina bracket you want your weight to be in, picking the highest armor for that bracket, and with your weapon you are locked into using one group type for the whole game mostly so you just do the same there.

Thats the items, and now the gameplay is very much a dark souls style game, there are a few things that make it stand out such as the stances and stamina regain system which is similar to how in Gears of war you can tap a button to reload faster, well its the same idea here but regaining stamina faster. its pretty fun mechanic .

In co op, if both of you die during the mission you have to restart the entire mission over again. And sometimes this means having to do 2+ bosses in a row perfectly or you have to redo it. So you can imagine how annoying and frustratnig that can become.

In single player, you have checkpoint 'shrines' which make it so you dont have to redo the whole stage over again, but you also cant be helped up by your ally if you go down. So its a pro and con. both are fun to play.

I would say my biggest gripe with the game is how long it drags on, and the level design being overall rather unmemorable and sometimes repetitive. There are a few sectons that are memorable such as the water boss and some classic japanese forest hillside things and the coastal towns, but other than that its pretty samey for most of the campaign.

Oh and the absoltue biggest gripe is the story and dialogue is total awful crap. Its like a really bad manga for 40 hours straight. It's all in japanese and none of it makes sense, its all nonsensical wacky stuff, with tons of mythical cute cats flying around and dumb shit. I dont know. At a certain point I was just skipping cutscenes, i dont give a shit. its stupid as hell.

And a personal subjective gripe. Im just really not a fan of japanese aesthetics / armors / weapons / samurai stuff in general. period. so that doesnt help with my enjoyment. I much prefer the dark medevial style of dark souls and stuff, so that point alone makes me enjoy this game less than souls. but its a decent experience, TONS of bosses, however a lot of them end up being this tedious frustrating romp of being forced to die 5x in a row (just to learn their move set) , running back to the boss by speedrunning all the enemies, and trying again. maybe its just the souls forumla, but yeah im getting kind of tired of it at this point. There is still a ton of content to do after you finish the main missions, more main missions as DLC, tons of side content, replay through on harder mode getting cool gear etc etc.. but im about done with this game now after 40 hours, its fine, but theres more there if you want it.


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