Saturday, 7 December 2019


played on hard difficulty in coop. the first few levels of the game seem fun enough, the shooting mechanics are ok, physics seem weighty and the general game feels polished enough. the pacing could be better, especially since about halfway through the game really drops the ball in pretty much every aspect. the level The Bridge is fucking rediculous as in every level previous to it is fucking piss easy, then suddenly it goes from 1 to 11 difficulty all in that level, then never reaches it again. from there its a few more short dull levels, then an incredibly BAD final level where you do nothing but roam around with a narrator talking to you, then a REALLY BAD final boss fight.

Also the story is fucking awful, writing is pretty shit and cliche, ending is lame as hell. a huge step down from all other fear games. (did I mention it has nothing to do with being scary as well?) you unlock the ability to play another character through the entire game once you beat it, as well as insane difficulty. but I already saw the powers he can do in coop, and dont care to play it again on insane obviously.


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