Saturday, 7 December 2019

Battlefield Bad Company 2

 i really love how you can't see your health bar in these brown n bloom console shooters dude! like the jelly smearing your screen is really fucking immersive and totally not rage inducing at all. oh i also love how theres like 50 RPG soldiers tucked away ontop of roofs you can never see until they one shot you 10x in a row as you retry the same checkpoint over & over till you get it right (hardest difficulty)

yeah it had a few really fucking annoying sections (sewer canal level thing was awful, 2x helicoptor section was really bad) and a lot of lame on rails sections but i spent 80 hours ALONE playing multiplayer so theres that. finally came back for the campaign and its just average, to slightly enjoyable. not really sure if its worth a play through, but for the combat mechanics alone there is fun to be had.


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