Tuesday 10 January 2023

Saints Row: Gat out of Hell


 Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell (2015) Xbox One box cover art - MobyGames


The Saints Row franchise took a nose dive for me, personally, after the second game. It started trying to lose its identity as another simple GTA clone and go into its own wacky "so randumb" crazy humour type thing.

Gat out of Hell is pretty much the columination of such things, I've seen from the series, so far.

The premise, or whatever its supposed to be, is you get sent to hell to basically "Punch satan in the face" and save the day or some bullshit. The game is extremely short and minimal in plot and story, it has CO-OP campaign, so in CO-OP one person plays as Johnny Gat and the other plays as some woman who i dont even know the name of or care.

The story progresses in the form of little medevial style storybooks complete with whimsical narration, and quirky extremely cringe and unfunny humour and dialogue. The writing is just awful, nothing is charming or hits where its supposed to. It's just dumb and the overall tone of the game can only appeal to what I suppose must be 12 year olds. It's artistically devoid of merit , for me atleast.

You eventually even get some what feels like 10+ minute long segment where the characters break out into musical song and dance and sing to the camera incessantly. It's painful, and multiple times I had to just walk out of the room to do something else, anything else, than to endure how bad it was.

Enough talk about the awful writing and cutscenes, the gameplay is almost as bad.

There are literally NO main missions. Thats right, the entire game is nothing more than copy pasted 'activity' side missions over, and over, and over. You have a 'satan' meter, and you have to do random side activites and missions to fill the bar. Once the bar is full, you unlock the last mission in the middle of the map, go there, do a really terrible generic extremely easy boss fight against Satan. Then the game is over. Thats it.

 I don't even know what to say. The game is just fucking awful. One of the worst coop games I ever played.

It's got all sort sof shoe-horned in , gimmicky 'abilities' and AWFUL controls. Instead of driving cars, you have wings and a flying ability. But the controls are just terrible and clunky as fuck and not fun to use at all. You have a stamina meter, and when it runs out you stop flying, but you also have to steer with the mouse and press Spacebar to flap your wings or some shit, it just does not control nice.

Other than flying, you have super sprinting ability where you run faster than cars and its all just too stupid. Frequently the controls will annoy you where youre inside buildings and you want to just sprint regularly, but youll be running turbo speed like a jackass its just stupid.

The combat is very dull and mindless and boring, all the guns look like very stupid turbo bright light Nerf guns or something, you even have retarded guns like Chair guns where your character sits in a chair and has miniguns on the side. Its awful. None of the guns are fun to use or stand out, its just all crap.

You can upgrade the guns to do more damage and shit, but theyre all so unappealing I could hardly give a shit beyond the bare minimum of just fully upgrading the LMG type thing.

The combat is extremely easy, the enenemies constantly drop health so you can just constnatly refill your health. Its bad.

The animations/AI are god awful , the enemies just drive in circles or drive into walls, mindlessly run at you mindlessly run into walls, terrible aimations and bad rubber banding online play. Very crap game.

Like I said theres literally no main missions so all you do is go around the map picking random copy pasted side activities like "Survive the waves of enemies'  or "Fly through the hoops" like its fucking Superman64.  or "Capture all the points"   or  "Fly around and collect enemies like popping balloons"  Thats the entire game. Theres nothing else. They all suck and arent fun. To top it off. one of them doesnt even work in coop. The 'insurance fraud' one where you have to ragdoll around and stack damage,  just doesnt work in coop. It freezes the connection and fails everytime. Luckily you can just leave, and let player1 do it. But still. The game is so half assed and lazy, its obvious no soul or attention went into it.

Even the map im pretty sure is just a lazy reskin of the SR3 map to have some hell theme and hellish locations.

Ultimately i dont really have anything good to say about the game, maybe just the fact its a short 4 hour coop campaign and its a shooter game so its not too hard to get through, but other than that the writing, story, cutscenes, lack of main missions, copy paste side quests, shit AI, shit artstyle, shit characters, shit everything . just shit.


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