Tuesday 11 October 2022

Amnesia: Rebirth


Amnesia: Rebirth - Game Informer

I knew nothing about Amnesia:Rebirth before getting it, I was just hyped that it was a new Amnesia game since The Dark Descent is awesome and one of my fav horror games

Unfortunately , and disappointingly, it sucks to say this game is total shit. The narrative is completely tone deaf, the story is a constant cringe fest of cliche overdramatic trivial overly sentimental bullshit about child-rearing and motherhood, almost every 30 seconds the game freezes you in place and makes you stare at some stupid random picture cutscenwith a bunch of random babbling about random nonsense or about how glorious babies are. This game is just fucking annoying, really. It's annoying and lame. There's hardly any horror, and shockingly the  game takes a generic Sci-fi twist where you teleport all around these stupid generic Alien locations and get chased by some Light beam alien? No clue. The dark Descent was so good cause it was a minimal story told without info dumps or cinematics, taking place in some weird medevial style castle and locations, scrounging around in the dark with insane monsters chasing you reading papers, well this game isn't really anything like that. You're either wandering around the fucking Desert of all places, about the last thing that would cause horror, Brown and bloom bullshit, or youre wandering around some cliche Alien locations that look straight out of some Unity dev asset flip starter pack, or you wander around some desert caves and houses. Thats it.

I really did not enjoy this game, the whole time I was either half asleep, or cringing, or rolling my eyes. Every time the game loads it shoves some obnoxious baby picture in your face its just like what the fuck am I playing? Who was this game made for? grandmothers wanting to relive their fantasy of babytalking and playing with kids? Man what the fuck this is such a let down from games like The Dark Descent and Penumbra series.  The entirety of the writing/dialogue is your character mumbling to herself about how worried she is about her  baby, whispering literal baby talk, crying or whining, or listening to cutscenes about random bullshit. It's not engrossing or deep, its just annoying. Theres no depth to the story, theres no complexity, theres no complex morals, its not like "HMMM I Wonder what the moral of the story is!" Nop, its mind numbingly stupid and one dimensional "A mothers love for her child the most important thing in the world so sentinmental"  it gets old FAST. Theres even a mechanic to 'Press X to soothe baby' which calms your fear. Its one thing to have a game like this, but to be a Amnesia game is so disappointing. I was not wanting babytalk Mother simulator, I wanted a Dark Descent sequel.. this is like some Disney PG13 Netflix spinoff or some shit. It's like the main dev recently got his wife pregnant and it inspired him to highjack the Amnesia franchise and self-insert and make an entire game about it. Total cringe.

Story is trash and I hated the sci-fi stuff. Not what I want in Amnesia game.
Like oh do you want to play a game where you teleport around generic looking Sci-fi enviorments while being a pregnant woman mumbling to herself constantly about how glorious and precious she and her unborn baby is? Well not me, I wanna horror game, you know, viseral in your face horror crawling around abandoned mansions and medevial gothic places with crazy monsters lurking in the darkness. Not gonna get that here, youre gonna get some stupid looking floating generic tenticle aliens and a couple zombie looking guys. Think theres like 2-3 enemies in the whole game.

There's like one half decent scene in the entire game its where you're going through this maze with some deranged half-zombie guy chasing you and screaming at you, other than that everything in the game was shit.

None of the mechanics are intuitive or make any sense, the 'Fear' mechanic happens when youre in the dark for too long or looking at scary shit, and your screen shakes and it plays this stupid cockroach/insect slithering noise(??) and apparently if you stay 'scared' for too long you randomly 'die' and death plays this cutscene of your character randomly scurrying around, and then waking up like nothing happened. Most of the time, when theres a monster chasing you and you 'fail' or get caught, the monster 'kills' you and you die and wake up again, and the monster is just deleted from the game. Apparently the devs thought that deleting monsters after you fail an encounter is a good thing "because the game isnt suppose to be hard"   - Ok then, kinda makes the whole thing trivial and zero sense of danger or threat.

Dunno what else to point out, everything from the locations, story, writing, characters, monsters, puzzles, are just mind numblingly cringy, stupid, or boring. Theres a bunch of puzzles but the mechanics suck so bad you can EASILY miss something crucial because you didnt put your mouse cursor in just the specific pixel perfect spot and you missed a switch so instead you ran around the map for 30 mins doing nothing. This happened multiple times. Like the time where you have to interact with a tank window and open it, but it was incredibly obscure and not obvious, so I spent 40 mins walking around in circles. Or the time where you have to unplug some plug, and somehow know to put your mouse cursor over a random Bar in a fence and break it off to put the plug through the broken bar and plug it in somewhere else. Of course i missed that, and instead just unplugged the plug then ran around for 20 mins trying to figure out what I missed. Or the time where you cant open a door and youre suppose to go around and find a hole in the wall where you can see a plank up against the other side of the door and throw a rock at it, Yeah its very VERY easy to miss and youll be frustrated when you miss it and spend 20 mins doing nothing. And theres no sort of Mission log or objectives, all you get is a 'Reminders' page where it shows you a crudely drawn image of something vauge youre suppose to do.

The other puzzles are interacting with random Alien technology bullshit, turning cranks and levers, and a few physics based things.

Gameplay revolves around wandering around in the dark, collecting Matches, deciding which torches to light with your matches, looking for the next puzzle/babyalk cutscene, thats about it. You dont really have to use your inventory for anything, theres maybe like 5 items in the whole game you have to put in your inventory and use.

I think theres optional things you can do and multiple endings im not sure. Towards end of game there was a place where I could do a puzzle and sit in a chair to fix my baby? or something, but before I realized what was happening I kind of walked towards the Progress zone and couldn't turn back? Also at the end of the game you go into a room and start watching a full Breastfeeding scene where you get to make a choice to take your baby home with you or leave it with the Alien woman , I think that affects the ending? Dont know dont rly care. I took the baby with me and It kinda just ended on a cliffhanger, I went home and that was it, but the baby is apparently going to die later or something?   

Yeah thats all I can say about Amnesia: Rebirth, writing sucks, characters suck, locations/enviorments suck. Random terrible sci-fi sections, gameplay is tedious/boring/annoying/not immersive/monsters suck. Sound effects are annoying and make no sense (why is there a fucking scittering insect noise playing when youre afraid? its just dumb and annoying) Its a fat flop.


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