Thursday 17 June 2021

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Wikipedia 



 So this was sitting in my library under COMPLETE category at only 6 hours long. And I kept wondering did I really finish this? Because I seriously could not remember a damn thing about it, maybe the beginning thats it. I figured it tested it on my old shitty pc and uninstalled it after it didnt run well.

Well, I reinstalled it and played through the whole game. Guess what, I actaully remembered almost the whole game once I was playing through it. So yes, I beat this game twice. The first time it left such a dull forgettable bad impression that upon thinking of it, I couldn't remember a single detail until forced to play it again.

So as I'm playing through it, admittedly fast this time, what is there on offer?

Well the first few hours of the game are totally boring as hell, I just want to progress and I have to go back and forth chatting it up with random people about trivial bs, guards holding up gates, I have no ammo so I can't shoot people etc. Whatever, it forces me to do a 'side quest' to progress basically, do a small tiny bits of combat, and then onto the next chatterbox sequence

So the first 4 hours of the game is mostly walking around, chatting to people, searching apartments, doing a hacking minigame which isn't enjoyable at all but just a chore, and sometimes shooting a few people but you barely have any ammo so you spend more time searching corpses and staring at the floor looking for ammo.

 I get that the big selling point of this game is suppose to be the writing and story, but to me, it just felt so convuluted and forced and needlessly complex and full of jargon and twists and turns...I just totally stopped giving a shit. Every single person you talk to bombards you with so much jargon and political shit and this and that and yada yada...I just started skipping half the shit, I really dont care. Just want to engage in combat and find cool items. The dialogue and writing is the least impressive part for me. While I do appreciate it to change up the pace, when its the main activity in the game, and the writing is so painfully drab and boring is when I start getting sad about it.

Well the game has 17 missions, and probably only half of them involve actually using your guns and killing lots of enemies in shooter game style. The actual shooting is medicore at best. Theres a big skill tree system, with all sorts of gadgets and gimicks, but I mostly didnt care much and just went for the maximum health, sprint, maximum gun ability, maximum armor..etc.. I hardly felt any need to use my 'augments'  as I was doing just fine shooting people, and it was almost fun sometimes...

But then, most of the enemies in the game are the cops. You're some like outlaw type person surrounded by cops 24/7 , and if you piss them off then infinite swarm just comes at you, and in these moments I just found it more worth my time to kinda mock the game by just sprinting past all of them, taking damage, waiting for my health to to objective marker.. It doesnt feel worthwhile to fight all the cops, I mean sure you can tirelessly explore the enviorment and looking for ways to turn off the alarms / do annoying hacking mini games to try to shut down survalence etc...but Id rather just sprint to the objective and try to progress instead of doing that shit for 40 mins.

It doesnt feel like theres much to this game, I beat it in two sittings in one day. Most of the game actually is just staring at peoples faces and listening to them yap on about convuluted bullshit that I didnt care about. The main highlights of the game were the bank heist, which actually was more of a pain in the ass than anything else, and turned into me figuring out ways how to sprint as fast as possible to the objective instead of actually engaging in combat - because theyre cops and never stop respawning.

Other highlights are some augment political headquarters of thugs that you invade and shoot them all down then interrogate the leader, that was prob the most fun part of the game. Collecting all their guns, shooting them, no cops so it actually felt meaningful cuz they didnt respawn...

Theres tons of stuff to loot in the enviorment, but none of it feels really worth my time. Its just shit like PDA's , Computers with flavor story, grenades, alcohol, nothing really neat... theres only about 6 guns in the game, standard stuff..nothing special.

Graphics are pretty impressive, but not outstanding, and the facial animations were obviously the weakest link.

I don't know, this game didnt do much for me. Between the story I couldnt care much about, the dull characters, the pacing sucks, the crappy modern mechanics like seeing through walls, health regen, all sorts of useless toy gimick skill tree,  constant annoying robots flying around spawning being hard as fuck to kill and just annoying in general... game was almost more annoying than it was enjoyable.

Last boss was pain in the ass just some arena battle with robots flying around turrets spraying you dying in seconds, then I found out you can just shoot him with EMP ammo and walk up to him and punch him and the game basically ends. Lol. Dunno, pretty sure Human Revolution was atleast better than this. this one actually felt unfinished even.


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