This is no longer developed by the original devs but handed off to a new team called 343. And it shows
This is the worst Halo game i've played for a number of reasons
- The art direction and graphics suck. Its way too far futuristic and its totally rediculous, chidlish, and wacky looking .Everything looks like Tron/transformers/Bionicles/ Power rangers ETC. Its totally not appealing to look at
- The new enemies / weapons are NOT fun to engage with AT ALL. Most of the game you go around shooting at really annoying flying robots that serve no purpose other than to just be annoying filler panning out your play time. The enemies all look retarded now, the gameplay isn't fun. Theres no impact when you shoot at anything , everything is too far into the future where nothing makes sense or is recognizable. It just seems childish. Nothing makes sense.
- None of the weapons are fun or satisfying to use. Everything is like some retarded Nerf gun that is really inaccurate or a pea shooter or really short range, while all the enemies are shooting at you from across the map. So you crawl around trying to get into range to unload 5 magazines into one enemy before he finally dies. Thats the whole game. Sucks.
- Story is total shit melodramatic soap opera love story about Cortana or some shit. Didn't care. Was too busy ignoring it or cringing at how corny and boring it was.
- Level design is really shit everything looks the same ultra futuristic metallic gigantic structure copy and pasted 100x for most of the game. Really I got nothing good to say about this
There are some moments here and there where the game starts to feel like Halo where you briefly fight the Aliens again, but still something feels off. Second last level is the most fun in the game but even then its only just alright. Really most of the game is just engaging with this new boring futuristic robot race where everything looks like a shitty Tron movie or something, I dont know. Totally over this game. Finished it on Legendary, glad its over with
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