Sunday 24 January 2021

Call of Cthulhu


dont know what I was expecting with this one. well maybe something like an intense underwater deep sea exploration game , or maybe something on a boat in the middle of the atlantic ocean and crazy mystical creatures messing with you, but in reality what did I get?

I got an extremely boring, tame, walking simulator with no horror or scares where you walk around drab dull enviorments like hospitals, libraries, old houses, farms,  looking for the next object to interact with, and talking to NPC after NPC of boring flavor text. 

I'm really disappointed with this, I did not really enjoy it at all.
The story is about cliche as it gets, a detective investigating some weird mysterious cult in some remote location. That's fine, but it doesnt offer anything interesting or new.
I was so bored i ended up not even listeing to the voice acting and pressing space after reading what they had to say.  All you do is talk to NPC after NPC , and explore really boring enviorments. No jump scares, no mechanics, no memorable moments. Just a really fucking boring, indie, low budget walking simulator.
Oh, and the cutscenes are some of the worst animation ive ever seen in a video game. Its laughable. There are some puzzles here and there, but I didn't give a shit at all and looked some of them up. I was too bored to bother figuring it out. 

I thought this game might have some mechanics, I was wrong.

Theres a laughably shoehorned in 'skill tree' system, which actually means nothing. Its an illusion. It doesnt matter what 'skill points' you invest in, nothing really notable changes. Its the same linear, boring progression. You talk to NPCs and have different dialogue options, but when I barely cared about what anyone was saying or the story, it kind of ruins the whole thing. Nothing cool ever happens.
There was a fucking pathetic 'combat' section in the last 2 chapters of the game and its probably the worst excuse of 'combat' ive ever seen in a game.
Some NPC's just disappear and you dont even find out what happened to them, like that thug leader woman after you give her a med kit she just never shows up again? i dont get it. 

There are a few 'gameplay' sections that force you into these nonsense 'dream' worlds where youre expected to wander around the map looking for the correct path or something, flicking back and forth between these lanterns, and its just nauseatingly boring. 

The stealth sections are tedious and a slog, they consist of you aimlessly walking around an enviorment looking for the correct object or trigger, while being chased by an instant kill monster.  its suppose to be scary but I found myself just wondering when it was going to be over because I was too bored to crawl around slowly to the next point so I just sprinted past all the enemies. 

Theres sections where there are 10 different objects you can pickup, but only one of them are correct, and you have an enemy chasing you around so you basically just try over and over and over again until you happen to pickup the right object. Such a chore. 

The hospital section was extremely annoying having to run back and forth between NPC after NPC doing trivial mundane busy work trying to get to the next section. There are sections that are jawdroppingly stupid and nonsensical like the dream sections where you walk around looking for the correct 'path' to progress, only failing 20 times in a row and having to try again.

I thought I would be seeing a lot of cool creepy mystical deep sea horror but all you get is a few octupus looking guys in robes in some cutscenes, ONE weird spider looking monster that reoccurs during the game, and at the very end of the game you see literally 5 seconds of cthulu , then the came cuts to end credits. GARBAGE.  The only thing I liked is that some of the atmosphere and locations are immersive, but when its so boring it doesn't really do much for me. Game is devoid of mechanics, and the story is nothing amazing. I was atleast expecting half of the game to involve actually seeing Cthulu or creepy mystical deep sea monsters, but I guess they didn't have the budget for that because its a shitty indie game. 


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