I Think Gearbox is one of my least favorite developrs. I have beaten most of their games and truly dont like a single one
Ive beaten Borderlands 1 and 2 and hated them the whole time.
Now After finishing 'The Presequel' I hate this too. Wasnt expecting otherwise
The entire artstyle, mood, graphics, and humor is awful. The tone is an eyesore to look at. In The presequel all of the enviorments take place on some multi colored neon planet with low gravity. The graphics Suck and the art style is even worse. None of the enviorments or level are memorable but quite the opposite . its a mind numbing slog and eyesore and makes you feel pozzed for even looking at any of it .
The gameplay is horrible. The gun play is so thin and weightless. The guns operate off a stat system and you spend mind numbing minutes going through a Piss poor Interface that is so clunky and barely works just to select a gun that slightly does more damage . but still all the guns feel like they shoot cardboard pellets and every enemy takes multiple magazines to kill.
All of the guns look stupid like some rediculous amalgamation of random metallic pipes and pieces slewn together. its truly unappealing to look at and even less fun to shoot. There wasnt a signle gun in the entire game that I thought was cool or fun to use. The enemy design is boring and even less appealing. its either mecha shit or some random alien looking comic book crap. These games suck so fucking much I dont know what the appeal is.
Worst of all is the dialogue nonstop over exeatturated TOO RANDUMB humor yapping in your fucking ears by what sounds like 20 something year old numales and women. its like Reddit the game. All borderlands are like this. I Coudlnt even review BOREDOMlands 1 and 2 after I finished them because I couldnt stomach thinking about them anymore. This game can serve as my review for those too. Theyre all the same fucking shit. This iS the same engine and gameplay as boredom lands 2 but with a different map which takes place in space and honestly IT might be even less appealing than boredomlands 2.
I Was playing this game co op and for the literal first 4 hours we were both sitting in silence and falling asleep. It was such a fkin bore. The gameplay cycle looks like getting an objectie on your minimap, going through awfully tedious combat where you dump magazine after magazine into waves of boring uneventful enemies, going DOWN CONSTANTLY and going into a 'last stand mode' where you get a kill and get revived. Repeat. none of the missions are memorable, none of the objectives fun.
The only good things I can say about the game is the jetpack dash thing thats kind of fun to control but even that can be a pain in the ass when you use it and you go too high to fit through doors. Why shoudl I even write anymore? I dont like boredore lands series. They fking suck and are totally unappealing uneventful and stupid fking games iwth AWFUL art style graphics and 'story' and dumb fking humor> I Cant even Imagine the type of human being to find the 'jokes' in these games to be funny or something. Its so god damn stupid.
Also The only reason I played any of these games is the CO OP and I would never Touch this single player. For That is another positive I can Give is the co op exeprience , just to be able to talk shit about this dumb game the whole time was atleast enjoyable. The boss fights are also dumb as hell, even if you die you just respawn over and over dumping miniscule amounts of ammunition into them until completion. The skill trees are inane and are a slog to even read and get through, usually they just give shit like more ammo or reload speed or some shit.
- Tedious combat system that works off constantly collecting marginally better weapons, and going through an awful UI to figure out which one works better
- Except all the guns look stupid as hell like childrens NERF guns and none of them are enjyoable to use
- All of the shooting feels like youre shooting cardboard and sucks
- Graphics and artstyle are shit and looks like a dumb marvel comic. Not appealing
- Story and dialogue stupid as fuck constant TOO RANDOMB jokes and over the top 20 something year old numale/women voice acting
+ Controls feel ok mostly just the jetpack thing
+ Co op campaign, fun to talk shit about the game while playing it with co op buddy.
SHIT GAME. shit franchise. shit developer.
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