Crash Bandicoot:
- game isn't challenging for any genuine reason but mostly because the camera is shit and you can't tell what the hell is going on. you're left staring at the shadow of your character rather than your actual character because the camera angle is positioned in such a way that you cant see where the fuck your feet are actually going to go.
- everytime i thought about playing this game it was dread. its a total slog and exercise in frustration and trial & error. you will never beat a stage on the first life. you need to slowly inch your way forwards one step at a time, die, repeat, game over, repeat. memorize. repeat. it sucks. its not fun. its not challenging. its just tedious. boring. moment to moment gameplay sucks. 1 step forward 2 steps back.
- 1 hit deaths are kind of not enjoyable in pretty much all games. especially when the camera is so ambiguous and shitty where you can barely tell where the fuck the character is.
- getting to the end of a level with 0 lives left and game overing because the controls are ambiguous and trash is REALLY god damn frustrating. oh when you bounce on a box you dont just hold A, you have to specifically wait until just the right combination of awkward janky phyiscs interactions THEN hold a to go 'slighltly higher' so you can 'just barely' make the jump. the physics suck. the jumping is annoying. i'm pretty sure the original game is better than this.
- boss fights with stupid gimmicks that you cant figure out on the first few attemps need to just die over and over until you figure out the stupid gimmick. not fun.
+ the levels are pretty cool and varied but due to issues earlier they aren't really enjoyable.
+ graphics are fine and colorful and enjoyable, its a simplsitic and minimal game. easy to pickup hard to master. but as i've said its only hard to master because its mostly trial and error. i genuinely dont think anyone can just pickup this game and play through it without dying dozens of times first on every level. because of this, the thought of even playing it feels like a chore
not really the classic I was hoping for sadly. apparently the first one is the most unforgiving so maybe the other ones will be a bit painless
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back
Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
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