Thursday 28 May 2020

Alan Wake's American Nightmare

- game only has 3 really short levels that it makes you play on loop 3 times in a row doing things minor different each time

- every time an enemy spawns or anything happens it takes control away from the character and plays an obnxoiously long 'spawn cutscene' that you cant skip.

-mechanics really are not that fleshed out or well done. is it a horror game? is it a third person shooter? is it a survival game? it doesn't do any of these well.  the shooting is incredibly simplistic and boring. theres no shortage of ammo. you can constantly find full ammo refills around the map. the shooting is so boring and tedious that i simply choose to run past 80% of enemies in the entire game, because I could.

- really cheesy and cliche story. trite characters. embarrassingly corny real life cut scenes totally childish 'good guys vs the bad guys'  plot

- can't skip cutscenes so if you die you are forced to watch the same thing again and again. makes it that much more boring

+  only took 2 hours to beat
+ isn't painful to play through. just boring and simplistic mechanics
+ bunch of different weapons so thats kind of cool  but unfortunately theyre all locked behind collectables that i didnt give a shit about because the game is already such an easy trite. shotgun is good enough. 

really theres nothing really going for this game other than its incredibly short and a dumb third person shooter with simplistic mechanics. the story is absolute trite but its not even really laughable bad. its just cringe.  the major flaw with this game is it doesnt even feel like an actual game. it feels like the developer had some leftover assets from the original Alan Wake and instead of scapping those assets, they recycled it into a shitty half assed game where you play the same 3 segments on loop 3 times in a row and call it a game. its really boring and  not clever.


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